'Supernatural's Series Finale Laid to Rest Everyone and Everything

Published Nov. 20 2020, 12:03 p.m. ET

After 15 long and successful seasons on the WB and then the CW, Supernatural finally came to an end on Nov. 18, 2020. The series finale allowed demon hunter brothers Dean and Sam Winchester to come full circle, in a way, and it ended their respective stories with nothing left up to chance. Still, some viewers may need a breakdown of the finale and a little explanation of everything that happened.
As series finales go, Supernatural’s was a doozy. There were tears of the happy and sad kind and it even featured a couple of hefty flash-forward sequences. There’s no question about how our beloved brothers ended up and where they ended up at the very end. But after sticking with them for 15 glorious seasons, you are totally entitled to need more of an explanation.

A 'Supernatural' Season 1 vampire made a reappearance in the finale.
Although the episode started off like any other normal day for the brothers, Dean and Sam found themselves at the helm of an investigation (of course) and on the trail of some baddies. Sam had wanted to try and live his life, but Dean pulled him back in and they were in the pursuit of vampires who were part of a child-kidnapping ring.
It turned out that the leader of the gang was a vampire the brothers had encountered way back in Season 1 of Supernatural. It was an excellent callback for longtime fans and, even though Dean and Sam had lost so many friends along the way, it was a solid opportunity for the show to bring back a familiar face.
Dean almost didn't reunite with Sam in the 'Supernatural' series finale.
After Dean was badly wounded, he and Sam had a heart to heart that would, in fact, be their last one. He admitted to Sam that he almost didn't seek him out at Stanford back in the day when they first came together to fight demons. It was a tender moment and one that no doubt left fans fighting back tears. Or, on the other hand, totally succumbing to them, because this was the finale, after all.
Dean died and refused to be brought back to life during the 'Supernatural' finale.
Although Dean was close to death, Sam automatically assumed he would simply bring him back from the other side. In a sad and surprising twist, however, Dean revealed that he felt like he was meant to go in this way. And, instead of being brought back, he died and went to Heaven, where he was reunited with Bobby.
Sam was able to finally live his life as he wanted.
As Dean had told him to do, Sam went on to live his life. A flash-forward even showed him with a son, who he named Dean, and a full life, despite losing his brother. Again, it was a bittersweet moment in a collection of them from the series finale. But it gave Sam a satisfying ending and allowed him to honor his brother.
The 'Supernatural' ending showed how Dean and Sam’s lives end.
Not only did Supernatural show Dean’s ultimate fate but, in the end, it also showed Sam’s. Sam died as an old man and was reunited with his brother in Heaven, as to be expected. They were able to finally have peace and ended the show as they had essentially started it — together.
If and when you’re ready to watch it all over again, Supernatural Season 15 will be on Netflix so you can relive every wonderful and heartbreaking moment.