T-Mobile Worker Helps Woman Find Mystery Number Her Husband Texts in Viral TikTok

Published Feb. 22 2022, 5:47 p.m. ET

Being cheated on by your significant other is a real gut-wrenching experience. Heck, even the thought that someone could be sneaking with someone else behind your back is torture within itself.
And people will go through some extreme lengths to discover whether or not their loved one is fooling around: we're talking stakeouts, putting airtags or GPS sensors on people's cars, or trying to gain access to their social media accounts.
And sometimes, complete strangers will alert folks as to whether or not their loved ones are cheating. Like this Jimmy John's employee who alerted a woman who ordered food for her boyfriend that he was getting buck nasty with another lady in his living room, or the one guy who posted a note under the toilet seat for a woman's significant other that she was double-dipping.
And now TikToker by the name of Eliza, who is a T-Mobile employee, says that she helped a woman locate a phone number that her husband was reportedly texting and calling for a few months.
In a text overlay on the video, Eliza writes: "When I help a customer find the phone number her husband has been calling and texting the last couple of months," over a clip of her pseudo-dancing and putting her hand over her brow while smiling.

There were tons of TikTokers who were shocked that a mobile service provider worker would essentially "snitch" on a customer. Others were unaware that workers could see the phone numbers that they were contacting, and even more alarmed that they would willingly hand over that information to someone else on the account.

However, there were others who simply noted that call records show up on customer's bills and if you're old enough to know about the days of limited minutes on cell phone plans, then you'll probably recall receiving paper billing statements that showed all of the different phone numbers you contacted along with the duration of the calls.

Commenters remarked that spotting the numbers was as simple as pulling up this bill, and there were several TikTokers who were interested in taking a gander at their own cell phone plan call records.

Many mobile phone providers have opted to go paperless and all one needs to do is access their monthly billing statement online in order to see the list of contacted numbers.
But that hasn't stopped folks from debating about the "ethics" of the T-Mobile employee in the comments section of her now-viral TikTok.

There were many who applauded Eliza for helping the woman find out the "mystery" number her husband had been texting, while others thought it was a low-down dirty thing to do.

What do you think? Was it wrong for Eliza to get involved in other people's personal matters? Or did the woman have every right to know since she was on the same cell phone plan as her husband and if he is cheating, then it doesn't really matter that his wife went behind his back, because he was doing the same exact thing?