As Taylor Stubblefield Leaves Penn State, Many Want to Know More About His Wife
Published Jan. 17 2023, 11:31 a.m. ET
The Penn State coaching lineup will be a little bit different next season. In a post on his Twitter account, wide receivers coach Taylor Stubblefield announced that he would not be returning for the upcoming season. While the news may have been slightly surprising for some, many people were most interested to know more about Taylor's wife, who Taylor called out in his post.
Who is Taylor Stubblefield's wife?
In the post announcing that he was fired from Penn State, Taylor discussed the many things he has achieved during his time at the college, but left the last word for the community who had supported his family.
"Lastly, to the community who has supported my wife and son through her father's recent illness and passing on Friday, there is no way we can adequately thank you," he wrote. "This community has exceeded every expectation."
That closing remark left many people wanting to learn more about Taylor's wife, whose name is Georgia, but it seems like the two of them keep their relationship relatively private. Not much information is available about her online, and Taylor's Twitter feed seems to be largely focused on his professional obligations. Other than the fact that she recently lost her father, it seems like she may be pretty hard to track down.
Penn State head coach James Franklin released a statement on Taylor's firing.
Although Taylor's Twitter post left the question of whether he had been fired unclear, Penn State head coach James Franklin was quick to clarify that he had in fact been let go.
"I would like to thank Taylor for his efforts during his time with Penn State but feel it is in our program's best interest to make a change at this time," the statement read. "I wish him and his family nothing but the best in the future."
Taylor had been the wide receiver coach for Penn State for three seasons. His most notable accomplishment was likely developing wide receiver Johan Dotson, who is now playing for the Washington Commanders, into a first-round pick.
In spite of that achievement, Penn State struggled to find consistency at the wide receiver position throughout its last season, and has also consistently struggled to recruit great talent.
Taylor played college football himself for Purdue, where he had a record-setting career. After graduating, he had a brief stint in the NFL before moving on to coach at various college teams across the country. It's unclear where he may be headed next, but it seems likely that he'll manage to land on his feet in large part because of the experience he's already accumulated.
Penn State, meanwhile, is set to go on a nationwide search to find a fitting replacement for Taylor at the wide receiver coach position. Penn State is coming off of one of its most successful seasons, and will likely be looking to maintain that momentum as it heads into 2023. Taylor has been the only major shakeup at the organization thus far in this off-season.