School Calls Teacher "Overdramatic" After "Strange Man" Broke Into Classroom — "One of Thousands of Reasons I Quit Teaching"

Updated May 3 2023, 3:32 p.m. ET

These days, there's no such thing as being too safe, especially when you're a teacher. Danger is everywhere and the last thing you want to do is let a stranger anywhere near your students.
One former teacher took to TikTok to share how she handled an encounter with a man she didn't know who entered her classroom. While he ended up not being a threat to her students, she was reprimanded for taking safety precautions.

School makes teacher feel bad for trying to protect her students.
Meet TikTok user @jeskazeeeee, a former teacher, who says she had a multitude of reasons for leaving the profession, including the incident she recalls in her video. Prefaced with the caption "One reason out of a thousand that I quit teaching," she shares a story about a strange man who came into her classroom just as the day was ending.
She first explains that it was a Friday and her students were lined up at the door waiting for the bell to ring.
As she was chatting with them, she noticed a man she had never seen before entering her classroom. She explained he didn't barge in "in a mean way, but definitely in a very determined, semi-aggressive way."
@Jeskazeeeee explained that he started pushing through her students as he approached her. She recalled that he started having a very frantic conversation with her, but she couldn't focus as she was still confused about who he was.
"Very quickly, I realized that my students are potentially at risk. So I tell them, without trying to alarm them, to just exit the room," she said in her video.
After her kids left, she phoned an administrator to report that there was "a stranger in my classroom having a random conversation with me."

@Jeskazeeeee said she couldn't remember what happened after that, but the next day an administrator informed her that the man was a graduate.
When asked if she knew him, @Jeskazeeeee said no. She explained she had never seen him before or had him in class. He also wasn't a sibling of any of her students.
The administrator informed @jeskazeeeee that the man's mother was very ticked at her for calling the office on her son. The mom claimed @jeskazeeeee was being overdramatic, to which the administrator agreed.
"And that is just one example of why I left," she said as she ended the video.

In the comment section, people were infuriated by how the administration handled the situation. The overall consensus was that @jeskazeeeee handled the situation properly, and if anything, the man should have at least had a hall pass.
Her story also prompted other teachers to share how their administrators had gotten tough on them after they were put in dangerous situations.

One teacher claimed a student threw a desk at her. Another shared how a student had written her name on a "kill list" in the bathroom. For the most part, both incidents were pushed under the rug.

As one teacher phrased it in the comments, " It doesn’t matter what you do, it is always the teacher's fault."
You can check out @Jeskazeeeee's page for more infuriating anecdotes from her past life as a teacher.