"Lazy" Teen Mom Shares What Her Kids Eat for Dinner — Gets Standing Ovation From the Internet!

Published Sept. 25 2023, 12:28 p.m. ET
If you or a loved one is sick and tired of being sick and tired, rest assured that you aren't alone. Inflation is on the rise and the economy seems to be going down in flames.
Nevertheless, we persist. And if nobody’s told you today — I’m proud of you for waking up and giving it your best.
After all, we could all use a little encouragement every now and then. Let’s take viral TikTok teen mom @alexis_marie125, for example.
This 19-year-old teen mom shares what she makes for her toddlers’ breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
No matter how much money you have, I bet you’ve eaten a struggle meal or two in your lifetime. But Alexis makes five-minute feasts for her kids look like gourmet dinners.
In a viral video, Alexis — who is a teen mom of two toddlers — shared what she feeds her kids for dinner. On her kids' plates were a handful of BBQ potato chips, pizza, and a side of fresh mixed fruit that she cut up by hand.
In other TikTok videos, Alexis prepares the kids’ breakfast and lunch, too. In fact, preparing “lazy 19-year-old mom” meals for her toddlers is kind of her niche.
Social media applauded the teen's "lazy mom" dinners: “You’re doing great!”
Needless to say, not all parents would agree with Alexis’s meal plan for her kids. However, the realists in the room could relate. Instead of criticizing her, commenters flooded the post with uplifting words. “My son has Taco Bell and a donut for dinner. You’re doing great!”
“I had my first son at 16 and had my daughter at 20. They are 30 and 27 now,” @valleygurldragon wrote. “Time goes by so quickly. Cherish these meals. you'll remember them fondly.”
Another TikTok user echoed those sentiments. “Good job, at least they’re fed! My parents did the same thing as we were growing up,” they shared.
“Fed babies are happy babies, and props for cutting the strawberries and everything, sometimes I don't have the energy for that,” @dumgf added.
The 19-year-old mom responded to critics of her kids' food choices.
Alexis's following is mostly supportive of her videos. And then, there are others, such as myself, who question whether or not Alexis’s kids have a balanced diet. To this, Alexis says: balance, schmalance.
“I know that I make a lot of people mad by what I choose to feed my kids. I feed them what I know that they like and what I know that they will eat,” Alexis explained. “Now, I'm not saying that I don't introduce new foods to them. But if I see that they don't like the food that I am giving them, I take a break and I don't force that food onto them."
The TikToker recalled: “As a kid growing up, I would be forced to eat something that I didn't like, I would have to sit at the kitchen table until I ate the meal. And dealing with that, I became a very picky eater.”
“I was afraid to try new foods,” she added. “I don't want to force my kids to eat stuff that they don't like. I don't want them to go through what I went through. As long as your kid is fed, that is all that matters.”
While some parents live in food deserts and are forced to feed their kids fast food out of necessity, Alexis is just feeding her kids junk because it’s easier. And I don’t know about you, but I have a problem with that. What do you think? Can a kid survive off McNuggets alone?
Let us know!