“This Makes Me So Livid” — Teens Bully Seaworld Mime So Much That He Cuts Performance Short
"I’m glad he walked away. They would’ve kept egging on to get some kind of response. Protect yourself first. So disappointing of these teens."

Published Feb. 21 2024, 10:24 p.m. ET

A mime at Seaworld was praised for the poise he demonstrated after a group of teenagers harassed him as he worked to entertain guests at the popular tourist destination.
Tasnim Alatout (@tasnimalatout) uploaded footage of the "annoying" teens who pestered the mime on TikTok, where several folks applauded the way he handled himself while simultaneously decrying the behavior of the young adults.
"Tom the mime leaving the show because of these teenager's behavior," a text overlay in the video reads as the Seaworld employee who is dressed like Waldo can be seen standing in front of the water tank. A teenage girl can be seen walking directly into the mime as he looks up into the bleachers.
He then stares and begins to walk towards the teen, who then pantomimes slapping Tom as she laughs. Another teen girl stands behind the mim with her hand over her mouth as she records the interaction, smiling as well. The man holds his arms out to his side as if to ask "what gives?"
Someone else from the group comes up behind him, another girl in a black sweater, grinning, as he turns around and tries to move away from her. A male teen in the group, along with others, crowd the employee as he begins to walk from them, waving to the crowd while he makes his exit.
One of the teen girls who is wearing a black USC sweater stands in front of the crowd and begins pretending as if they're a mime before running up to their friends.
Tasnim adds in a caption for the video: "That’s not nice and not funny," and it seems like there were several other folks who responded to her video that they didn't think it was all that clever, or kind, either.

One wrote that what the teenagers subjected the mime to was an unequivocal assault: "commenting so the algorithm brings me back when this situation is resolved, because Tom the Mime got assaulted"
Another person said that they thought the mime did a much better job at maintaining their composure in that situation than they would have: "Tom the mime did well not to place them on their bottoms. Calmer than me for sure"
One TikToker said that the teen girl in the black sweat shirt seemed like a spoiled, entitled brat who was raised poorly by parents who didn't teach her well enough to not try and garner attention and them immediately give up on her actions the second she realized no one was looking at her: "What’s embarrassing is that girl tried to mime and immediately stopped cause pick me wasn’t getting attention"

It was a point echoed by someone else who said: "just imagine what the parents are like"
Others just felt bad for the Mime: "could literally see the disappointment and hurt in his face"
Another person wrote that the teens humiliated themselves with their behavior: "Man, I got secondhand embarrassment. Did she really think she was funny doing her own mime?"
One TikToker thought of a good way for folks who were watching the way the woman handled her interaction with the mime could've let her know how they felt about her behavior towards him: "Should’ve booed the girl acting to be a mime toward the stands after he left"
While someone else thought that Tom the Mime handled the situation quite well: "I’m glad he walked away. They would’ve kept egging on to get some kind of response. Protect yourself first. So disappointing of these teens."

Another replied: "he deserves respect just like any character or cast member, he brings happiness to many, I'm sorry this happed to him."
While someone else thought the teens were setting themselves up for a rude awakening one day: "Those kids think they're untouchable. Sooner or later they'll do it to the wrong person and learn a hard lesson."
But there was also another person who believed that this behavior was indicative of a greater problem: "Forget about sea world , this is happening everywhere. Kids have zero respect for anyone"
The aforementioned viewpoint seems to be a recurring theme others have mentioned online as well, like teachers who've claimed that Gen Alpha is an impossible gaggle of children to try and educate due to their blatant disregard for their elders and authority, and complete lack of discipline from their own parents.