This Season of Netflix's 'Terrace House: Opening New Doors' Marks the End of an Era
Updated March 11 2019, 5:07 p.m. ET

We know, we know. Ever since Season 5 of Terrace House: Opening New Doors came out on Netflix last December, you've just been waiting for the next batch of episodes. Well, the wait is almost over because tomorrow, March 12, Netflix will release Season 6 of Opening New Doors so we can all catch up with our favorite Japanese housemates.
To recap, the past five seasons (parts, if we're going with the Japanese terminology) have been full of ups and downs for the rotating cast members. Of course, fans know it's a slow and quiet show to begin with, so most of the drama happens during moments of tense silence or heated stare-downs.

Parts 1 and 2 of the show were a little sleepy, with viewers mainly meeting new housemates and watching them acclimate to their new ski-town setting. Tomboy and hockey extraordinaire Tsubasa fell for model Shion, and the two made for such a #relationshipgoals couple, some fans are even calling it "the greatest love story of our time." They left the house together in Part 3, and according to their Instagram pages, they're still happily in love — the couple even recently got to shoot an ad together for PS4.
Anyway, ever since Tsubasa and Shion's romance, things started heating up at Terrace House, for real. Yui and Mayu were both head-over-heels for Noah, but he had his eyes set on TH alumna Seina Shimabukuro all along. It was a bit dramatic, but the two ended up leaving the house together at the end of last season.

Who's still left in the house for Part 6?
When we left the cast at the end of December, the housemates consisted of Sota, Maya, Yui, Risako, Aio, and Kaito. As usual, most everyone has a crush on another cast mate, and the guys seem to be trying extra hard to woo Risato, with Aio being probably the most hopeful.
It's unclear whether these housemates will be the final six or whether some new faces will knock at the door when Opening New Doors returns tomorrow. But one thing's for certain: Yui needs to take a good look in the mirror and change up the way she's relating to the other girls in the house, and Sota has to learn to be smoother when it comes to asking girls out.

Where is Terrace House: Opening New Doors filmed?
Like The Bachelor, Terrace House is a whole franchise where each offshoot leads a life totally separate from the rest. Although American audiences were first introduced to TH through Boys and Girls in the City, the show actually had a whole installment called Boys x Girls Next Door before that, which aired in 2012 exclusively in Japan.
Each TH series takes place in a different house in a different city (some aren't even in Japan, like Aloha State), and Opening New Doors feels almost like a show different from the rest because instead of in a bustling metropole, the housemates are pretty much leading a secluded life in the woods.

That's because Opening New Doors is filmed in the city of Karuizawa, which is in Nagano Prefecture, best known to some as the site of 1998's Winter Olympics. It's kind of refreshing to see the cast relate to each other outside of an urban environment, and we're not mad that winter sports are so big in the area because it really helps Tsubasa's hockey talent shine.
Will there be a Season 7? A New Terrace House is on the way.
You're definitely not alone if you're beginning to lose track of all the Terrace House offshoots and their many individual seasons. But you'll want to take in the gorgeous Karuizawa house one last time this month, because this installment promises to be the last of Opening New Doors.

Honestly, it's for the best, because less than a month ago, the official Terrace House Twitter account announced a new Terrace House show is coming to us this May. "The stage of the new season is TOKYO!" reads the announcement's English translation. "In 2020, the most noteworthy land from all over the world, the new youth's days of six men and women without script will start again. TERRACE HOUSE TOKYO 2019-2020, May 2019 @NetflixJP start!"
We absolutely cannot wait to see Terrace House take Tokyo this spring. Neither can fans, who are already writing how "it makes sense to locate it Tokyo, with the Olympic Games coming up etc. Maybe they'll even feature an Olympic athlete? Who knows, I'm excited." We are too.
In the meantime, don't miss the last installment of Terrace House: Opening New Doors when it's released in its entirety tomorrow on Netflix.