Terry Dubrow's Face Is Causing Rumors of Botched Plastic Surgery

Updated April 27 2020, 5:53 p.m. ET

It’s usually the ladies of Bravo who are under the microscope when it comes to plastic surgery claims and suspicion. Season after season, cast members of The Real Housewives series and other Bravo shows come back looking weirdly different while viewers try to figure out just what these ladies have done to their faces.
When Housewives husband turned Botched lead surgeon, Terry Dubrow revealed a very different look, people went wild with speculation about just what had happened to the Bravo celebrity’s face. Was it bad fillers or just bloat? Whatever it was, the internet had feelings about it and it even turns out that Terry himself was disappointed in the new look.

Terry Dubrow openly gets fillers put into his face.
Terry has never denied that he has had work done to his face. In fact, in an episode of the E! reality show, Botched, Terry got fillers injected in his face. In the episode, Terry explains that fillers are a way to help look a bit younger. He explains, “As we age, the collagen production in our face slows and our face deflates and it drops. That’s the first physical sign of aging in the face.”
Botched follows Dr. Terry Dubrow and Dr. Paul Nassif as they attempt to remedy extreme plastic surgeries gone wrong. In each episode, the doctors perform surgeries, while also working with patients who need help in turning previous surgeries into success stories.
Terry actually regrets his face fillers.
Terry told Page Six he went too far when getting fillers in his face ahead of his book tour for “The Dubrow Diet” with wife and former Bravo housewife, Heather Dubrow. He told the publication, “I had a lot of filler put in and it became my narrative in the media for about three weeks...But you know what? It’s worn off. Get over it. Stop ragging on me.”

In a moment of self-deprecating humor, Terry joked that his face wasn’t much of a masterpiece before his fillers. He continued, “[My face] is not good anyway, but it’s not due to fillers. Leave me alone.”
Fans were not happy with Terry’s botched filler job.
After photos circulated of Terry’s face, fans were not shy about suggesting that maybe the Botched surgeon should go on his own show for help. One Twitter user wrote, “Yikes @DrDubrow !!!! Now @DrPaulNassif DEFINITELY has something to slate you about! Maybe Paul can give you some revision work? That would be a great episode of #botched!”

After his puffy face made headlines, Terry admitted that he wasn’t even really into plastic surgery even though that’s literally his job. He actually finds the process, in his words, barbaric.

He told Too Fab that when it comes to filters and apps that can alter your appearance versus actual plastic surgery, he’d stick with the apps. He explained, “If you had to make a choice between a surgical procedure that has expense and risks of complications versus using a filter or app — use the app," he said. "Stay away from plastic surgery, a lot cheaper and doesn't do any harm."