'The Courtship' Is the First Reality Dating Show Where the Bachelorette Can Bring a Friend

Published March 4 2022, 10:37 p.m. ET

Tessa Cleary and Danie Baker
It's a universally known truth that one's best friend is perhaps the best judge of their character. Or in the case of The Courtship, is the best person to wade through the many suitors vying for a single lady's affections. NBC's newest reality dating show is set in Regency-style England and will adhere to that time as much as possible. This includes gathering the opinions about a gentleman caller from family and friends.
Nicole Rémy will be living out her Bridgerton-style dream of meeting her very own Duke of Hastings, but she shan't do it alone. With the help of her best friend Tessa Cleary, Nicole will choose the lord of her dreams. Let's get to know Tessa, who, for all intents and purposes, is a lady-in-waiting (or rather lady-in-wading).

Tessa Cleary
Who is Tessa in 'The Courtship'?
Tessa is one of Nicole's closest confidantes, which means she'll be able to cut through the bulls--t of all the suitors. Thankfully, Tessa freely speaks her mind at all times, which is something Nicole is definitely going to need when the beaus are on their best behavior. She's also an incredible judge of character, and isn't character what Nicole is after?
Like all good friends, Tessa wants the best for Nicole and simply will not stand for any shenanigans or tomfoolery from the escorts. Think of her as the drawbridge over the moat that surrounds Nicole's castle. As Indiana Jones once said in The Last Crusade, "Only the penitent man will pass." Because Tessa and Nicole have been in each other's lives for so long, Tessa knows exactly what Nicole is looking for — but more importantly, what she needs.

The suitors on 'The Courtship'
Nicole would thrive with someone who is family-oriented, athletic, intelligent, spontaneous, and funny. She also apparently "needs a man who will be independent and strong like her, but also let her take the lead from time to time," Tessa says. Honestly, a friend should want more for you than hoping a man will "let you take the lead from time to time," but the heart wants what the heart wants. And that is a very 19th century vibe, so perhaps it's on brand for the show.
Who is Tessa outside of the show?
When Tessa isn't looking for men who might let Nicole make a decision on her own once in a while, she's living in Seattle, where she's a design associate at Evolution Architecture. She got her master's degree in architectural design from Washington State University and, over the course of her 25 years of life, has developed many thrilling interests.

Tessa Cleary
In her free time, Tessa prefers a wine and movie night with friends or popping out for dinner. Like most women of a certain age, she loves to travel and, according to her Instagram, has been to Barcelona, Versailles, Paris, and Athens, to name a few. We don't see any paramours on Tessa's socials, so perhaps she'll be the next lady to go a courtin',
Get to know Tessa for yourself when The Courtship premieres on Sunday, March 6 at 8 p.m. EST on NBC.