Fans Are Starting to Believe YouTube Star Tfue May Be Taking Steroids

Updated June 25 2020, 11:43 a.m. ET
Those familiar with online gamer Tfue (real name: Turner Ellis Tenney) think of him sporting his classic shaggy blonde hair, a somewhat "adorkable" face, and his iconic skinny build. But the YouTube star recently posted a "body transformation" pic to Twitter, in which he's showing off a new, rock-hard six pack, massive shoulders, and huge arms... and fans are, well, slightly perplexed.
Did Tfue take steroids to achieve his goals? Or did he simply start working out for the #gainz? Stay tuned for the fan speculations behind the gamer's recent glow-up.
Prepare to be totally shocked by Tfue's dramatic body transformation.
On June 24, Tfue posted a seriously shocking side-by-side full-body photo to Twitter. The left side of the photo shows the Tfue we've always known and loved, and the right shows how much he's changed, which many believe to be over the span of six months. Trust us when we say the transformation is beyond shocking. Now, sporting rock-hard abs and gigantic arms, the famous gamer is practically unrecognizable.
In total Tfue fashion, the nonsensical Twitter caption reads, "Everything has grown except for my peen." Check out the photos for yourself in the tweet below and try not to be too shocked.
Fans think Tfue may have used steroids of some kind.
Upon seeing that somewhat shocking transformation photo, fans were convinced that Tfue had taken steroids. Professional bodybuilder, powerlifter, and coach Greg Doucette made a YouTube video explaining why he didn't think Tfue's transformation was natural, saying he didn't initially have that kind of build, and therefore, wouldn't have been able to achieve those kinds of gains in only six months.
"You can’t go from frail, to fan-fricken-tastic in six months. You cannot do that natural in six months. I would bet my life… he is not natural," Greg said in the video.
Skeptical fans also spoke up about it on Twitter as well. User @FlukeeMeister wrote, "Anyone gonna call out the obvious steroid use to achieve it in such short time? No? K, I will. TFue shame on you bro," while @Sangioooo said: Ayo wtf now Tfue is doing steroids? 2020 is wild."
Check out what they had to say below.

Others have come to Tfue's defense, insisting the transformation was natural.
Despite the haters who have stood their ground pushing the steroid theory, there are many who believe Tfue's transformation was purely achieved through healthy eating and working out. If that's the case, we commend Tfue and his wildly successful efforts. Twitter user @TSM_Myth said, "I just started my workout journey, seeing this definitely motivates me!"
Meanwhile, sonii said: "Killin it dude. F-----g insane progress actually. Let’s get a lift on the 4th ;))" Check out more positive responses to his transformation below.

Tfue has not yet spoken out about his workout routine, diet, or how he achieved his shocking body transformation, but until he does, we'll just assume he simply worked hard and ultimately met his physical goals. Congrats, Tfue!