25 Quotes to Celebrate the Fact That It's Fri-nally Friday!
Updated July 10 2020, 2:22 p.m. ET

Everyone loves Friday, which is arguably the best day of the week (the best moment being 4:59 on a Friday afternoon), and the endless possibilities that the next few days of freedom hold.
But while we all know that excited Friday feeling, that excitement can also make the day drag on for what seems like forever. Which is why we've compiled a list of TGIF quotes to help your afternoon speed on by and to give you any needed inspiration for the weekend.
In the immortal words of lyricist Rebecca Black: "It's Friday, Friday / Gotta get down on Friday!"
Keep reading for some quotes that'll remind you why Friday is the best day of the week.

Thank God It's Friday quotes:
1. "If my boss knew how unproductive I am on Fridays, he wouldn't want me here either." — James Johnson
2. "Friday sees more smiles than any other day of the workweek!" — Kate Summers
3. “Every Friday, I like to high five myself for getting through another week on little more than caffeine, willpower, and inappropriate humor.” —Nanea Hoffman
4. “Friday is my second favorite F word. Food is my first” — Anonymous
5. “I have never in my life found myself in a situation where I’ve stopped work and said, ‘Thank God it’s Friday.’ But weekends are special even if your schedule is all over the place. Something tells you the weekend has arrived and you can indulge yourself a bit.” —Helen Mirren

6. “When you leave work on Friday, leave work. Don’t let technology follow you throughout your weekend (answering text messages and emails) take a break you will be more refreshed to begin the workweek if you have had a break.” — Catherine Pulsifer
7. “Hands up if you’re ready to do something you’ll regret this weekend. Go forth! You have my blessing.” — Florence Welch
8. “Friday. The golden child of the weekdays. The superhero of the workweek. The welcome wagon to the weekend.” — Anonymous
9. “Making food is a wonderful way to spend a Friday night.” — Chrissy Teigen
10. “Life is good especially on a Friday.” — Anonymous
11. “Fridays are the hardest in some ways: you’re so close to freedom.” — Lauren Oliver
12. “I don’t care if Monday’s blue, Tuesday’s gray and Wednesday too. Thursday I don’t care about you. It’s Friday I’m in love.” — The Cure
13. “Music always sounds better on Friday." – Lou Brutus
14. “It's 4:58 on Friday afternoon. Do you know where your margarita is?” — Amy Neftzger
15. “Although I understand that all days are equal with 24 hours each, most of us agree that Friday is the longest day of the week and Sunday the shortest!” —D.S. Mixell
16. "Happy Friday! Here’s to all of us who made it through another week of faking adulthood." — Nanea Hoffman
17. "When you start to do the things that you truly love, it wouldn't matter whether it is Monday or Friday; you would be so excited to wake up each morning to work on your passions." —Edmond Mbiakading
18. "I am instantly 70% nicer after 3 p.m. on Fridays." —Anonymous

19. "Friday afternoon feels like HEAVEN." — El Fuego
20. "Youth is like a long weekend on Friday night. Middle age is like a long weekend on Monday afternoon." — Richard Nelson Bolles
21. "Thursday doesn't even count as a day, it's just the thing that's blocking Friday." — Anonymous
22. "Mondays are a good day to make statements, not Friday." – Ernie Els
23. "If you've got some news that you don't want to get noticed, put it out Friday afternoon." — David Gergen
24. "I believe that it is a mandatory Law of the Universe that on Fridays, you have to do something a little fun." — Hanna Rhoades
25. "I like to be home on a Friday night. I don't go out. I don't go to clubs. It's not my thing. I sit at home with my glass of wine and watch hours of reality TV." — Kaley Cuoco