28 Hilarious Thanksgiving Memes That Hit a Little Too Close to Home
Happy Turkey Day!

Updated Nov. 25 2024, 2:49 p.m. ET

Ah, Thanksgiving — a time to catch up with family, and, of course, to be left with days' worth of leftovers. As enjoyable as Thanksgiving is for many, it can also be a bit stressful for those who have taken on cooking duties. With skyrocketing food prices and the added pressure to create the perfect meal, not everyone can fully appreciate the holiday.
As people get ready to navigate their sometimes-complicated family dynamics again, we figured that there would be no better way to commemorate the holiday than with some hilarious (and festive) Thanksgiving memes.
The very best Thanksgiving memes you and your family can appreciate.
If you are really in a tight spot, we have plenty of Thanksgiving jokes to lighten the mood. This Turkey Day, celebrate the right way, with a few memes to share on social media that perfectly capture the essence of Thanksgiving.
1. Thanksgiving clapback.

Oh, the Thanksgiving clapback meme is back — and still providing the LOLs. We don't recommend using any of these IRL, but they are definitely a highlight of the holiday.
2. Thanksgiving gets no respect.

We get it, Santa is cool ... but does he bring you sweet potato casserole? This meme is funny but also true for some people. It's the classic debate of whether Christmas stuff should wait until after Thanksgiving.
3. Microwave turkey?

Want to scare your mom? Follow the instructions on this meme and share the results on your social media. You might even go viral.
4. Insert fake smile.
If you're not a doctor, lawyer, or accountant, you can relate to this meme.
5. This is for all the single ladies (and gents) at Thanksgiving.

In case you need a response to the eventual questions about your love life, Kourtney Kardashian has the right idea (even if she's "living life" right now in a very public relationship with hubby Travis Barker).
6. Cousins are the best.

We all have that one cousin — and they know who they are.
7. Wink, wink.
Speaking of cousins...
8. This applies to Thanksgiving 2020 only... (#Memories)

Loungewear sets, Zoom parties, and sanitizing your groceries... gone but never forgotten.
9. Don't ask me that again.
This year, channel your inner Kevin Durant if a family member gets too personal.
10. Sugar daddies not allowed.

Or you can bring home a sugar daddy, and solve that "did you find someone?" problem.
11. It's the mashed potatoes and gravy for me.

One word: gravy.
12. That's it.

Pass the sweet potato casserole and pipe down, Aunt Karen.
13. Is it Thanksgiving yet?

We are counting down the days until Turkey Day.
14. Evil Kermit wins.

On one hand, your family will be mad and you might not ever be invited to another Thanksgiving meal again. On the other hand, think of the potatoes.
15. Listen to Drake, literally.

There will be absolutely no Christmas music allowed at my Thanksgiving table. Wait until the car ride home.
16. Drake really gets the holidays.

When you skipped breakfast and have been waiting hours for the meal to be ready, there is no time to waste blowing on your food.
17. Poor Stephanie.

Fat-free is not a recognized Thanksgiving term.
18. It wasn't me.

On Thanksgiving, all the food is up for grabs. Sorry, mom.
19. I'm fine!

Hosting Thanksgiving is not as easy (or as fun) as it sounds. Actually, it doesn't sound like fun at all.
20. Not all cousins are created equal.

There is a reason there's a children's table at Thanksgiving.
21. Who's ready?

Just make sure you're not too hungover to enjoy the food — or the drama.
22. Turk the carvey!

We're really good at step No. 6.
23. What's an early dinner?

Eating dinner before 9 p.m. is a crime in all Hispanic households.
24. Turkey < everything.

I want a side of turkey with my mac and cheese, stuffing, and corn bread.
25. Say, what?

Everyone needs to move out of the way.
26. Boo.

And you thought Halloween was over.
27. And the official Thanksgiving anthem.
Thank you, Pastor Shirley Caesar and DJ Suede the Remix God.
Just a chill guy.

I don't know about you, but that is the chillest turkey I've ever seen. You almost feel bad eating the guy. Almost.
Working together.

In a world that's so divided, it's nice to know that there are some things you can always count on.
My favorite pie!

Aww, that's so sweet. But for real, be sure to save me a slice (or two) of the pumpkin pie.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!