23 Thanksgiving Riddles for Kids That Will Tickle Their Funny, Er, Wish Bone
So, it's Thanksgiving time and your kids are home from school ... looking for something to do other than ask when dinner will be ready.

Published Nov. 28 2024, 11:06 a.m. ET

What better way to occupy kids while you're busy prepping the Thanksgiving turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, and pumpkin pie than to share some fun and silly riddles with them?
Read on for 23 Thanksgiving riddles for kids that will make them giggle, and perhaps inspire the little ones in your life to come up with their own riddles to entertain company come turkey time.
Thanksgiving riddles for kids — and, OK, for big people, too.
So, it's Thanksgiving time and your kids are home from school... looking for something to do other than ask when dinner will be ready. Just me?
Well, here's an idea: Share a few riddles with them to keep kids from climbing the walls as you shop and cook for the main event.
Riddle #1: Why do pilgrims’ pants always fall down?
Because they wear their belt buckles on their hats.
Riddle #2: What’s the best dance to do on Thanksgiving?
The turkey trot!
Riddle #3: Why didn’t the turkey eat dessert?
It was already stuffed!
Riddle #4: What do you call a turkey on the day after Thanksgiving?
Riddle #5: Where do Thanksgiving birds go on vacation?
Riddle #6: What do you call unhappy cranberries?
Riddle #7: Which side of the turkey has the most feathers?
The outside.
Riddle #8: On Thanksgiving, what's always in the middle of the table?
The letter b.
Riddle #9: Why did the cranberries turn red?
Because they saw the turkey dressing.
Riddle #10: If roses are red and violets are blue, what is stuffed, brown, and blue?
A turkey holding its breath.
Riddle #11: When does Christmas come before Thanksgiving?
In the dictionary.
Riddle #12: Two moms and two daughters are at the Thanksgiving table, yet there are only three people at the table—how is that possible?
They are a grandma, mom, and daughter.
Riddle #13: One pie gets in a fight with another pie. What does it say?
"You want a piece of me?"
Riddle #14: If turkeys grew on trees, what would the trees be called?
Riddle #15: What’s the most musical part of a turkey?
The drumstick.
Riddle #16: Where do turkeys go to dance?
The Butterball.
Riddle #17: What is a mathematician’s favorite food on Thanksgiving?
Pumpkin Pi.
Riddle #18: What do you call a running turkey?
Fast food.
Riddle #19: Why did the turkey get grounded?
He was using fowl language.
Riddle #20: What do you use to make bread on Thanksgiving?
May flour.
Riddle #21: What’s the best thing to put into a pumpkin pie?
A fork.
Riddle #22: If the Pilgrims were alive today, what would they be most famous for?
Their age.
Riddle #23: If it took three people four hours to roast a turkey, how many hours would it take four people to roast the same turkey?
None! That turkey is already cooked.
Hopefully these Thanksgiving riddles for kids will help make your holiday season a little more fun and provoke at least a few giggles from tiny bellies.
Here's wishing the big and little people in your family health, happiness, and silliness this Thanksgiving!