There's Only One Season of 'The Bachelor' on Netflix and the Internet Is Dying

Updated Dec. 11 2019, 4:40 p.m. ET

Fans of The Bachelor have been waiting for the show to be released on any streaming service so they can relive some of their favorite moments. But just ahead of the Season 24 premiere, our prayers have been answered. Well... sort of.
Without really any announcement from ABC or Netflix, the streaming service has uploaded Season 13 for subscribers to watch. Yes, that's right — only Season 13.
Season 13 is a decade old at this point.
This comes as a real surprise to fans because instead of letting everyone catch up with the most recent contestants from the last few seasons, ABC has only released Season 13 to stream on Netflix. The season, which is almost a decade old at this point, seems completely random to release.
The contestants from that season are long out of the public eye and are no longer in the Bachelor universe, but this is also one of the few seasons to have a happy ending.

Jason Mesnick is the first single parent Bachelor.
Season 13 is an especially exciting, yet controversial one. Not only was Bachelor Jason Mesnick the first single dad on the show, but the season also had one of the most surprising plot twists in Bachelor history. (Warning: major Season 13 spoilers ahead.)
As Jason decides who to give his final rose to, it comes down to two contestants: Melissa Rycroft and Molly Malaney.

He makes the decision to pick Melissa as his final rose recipient, but it's later revealed in the After the Final Rose special that he made the wrong decision — Jason still had feelings for runner-up Molly, and really wanted to be with her instead.
Jason broke up with Melissa during the special, and Melissa had to give back the ring on-camera. Molly came out and Jason proposed to her instead!
Against all of the odds (especially when it comes to Bachelor romances), the two ended up getting married, and are still together today. The two currently live together in Washington state, where Jason is from, with Jason's son and their daughter, Riley.
The After the Final Rose special was the most-watched in Bachelor history, with almost 17.5 million people tuning in to watch it all go down. So if you're looking for a trip that ends with a happily ever after, it might be worth the binge.
The internet is freaking out over the release of only one season of The Bachelor on Netflix.
As random as the decision to only release Season 13 may be, fans are still here for it. People are especially excited about watching a throwback to the late 2000's fashion choices.
"Netflix just randomly released only one season of The Bachelor from 2009 and omg I did not know I needed to become invested in these girls in low rise jeans and plaid vests drama from 10 years ago," one user tweeted.
"They put up a season of The Bachelor on Netflix and it’s from 2009 and everyone is wearing legit homecoming dresses," another user tweeted.
Others are still dumbfounded that it's only Jason's season on Netflix.
"They really finally put The Bachelor on Netflix and it’s only JASON MESNICK’S SEASON. THAT’S IT," one tweet read.
Regardless, we're still going to binge-watch this whole trip before Season 24 premieres in January.