The Riddler Has Fans Stumped As They Try to Figure out Clues to 'The Batman'

Published Jan. 28 2022, 3:44 p.m. ET

One of Batman's most well-known enemies, The Riddler, must have found out about the release of The Batman, on March 4, 2022, and he's apparently really excited about it. It looks like he's created an entire website dedicated to clues about the upcoming film, and fans are now trying their best to solve them all. One fan on TikTok got to the bottom of one of them, although he had some trouble.
A TikTok user has taken on the Riddler's challenge for 'The Batman.'
One of the clues from the Ridder has been deciphered by TikTok user @camwalsh27. In a video posted on Jan. 27, 2022, he's talking in front of a screenshot of a tweet from The Batman movie's official account, which reads, "zoë kRavitz As selina kyle, aka caTwomAn, in the batmAn. Like this tweet if you plAn on heaDing to theAters opening weekend."
Camo noticed that some letters are capitalized in an atypical way and said that when he did a search for those letters or "RATAALADA" online," he was taken to The website looks like it was made by the Riddler himself.
"Look what the bat dragged in," the screen reads. "What do you say we play a little game?
Proceed? [Y/N]
We see that Camo typed "Y" and got the following message:
"It's more than just a game, it sinks and swims. It can be rotten even when it's all dressed up," the page said in response. Camo said he couldn't figure out the three-clue riddle, but found out that someone else was able to do it. The correct answer for this one is "Iceberg." When he typed that in, he got a picture of John Turturro as Carmine Falcone. Falcone is a friend of the Wayne family and a mob boss, but he's not Batman's biggest fan.
In this picture of Falcone, you can see he's holding someone's hand who might be Selina Kyle (we can only see the person's hand and arm in the shot). He's also with Colin Farrell as Penguin. Colin and John will be playing their respective characters in The Batman and Colin will bring Penguin back again for a spinoff series for HBO Max, according to Variety.
Camo said that other people got an image with a message on it. He said that he found out it translates to something like "More things like this are going to come."
But this is not the only riddle given on the website. Another one says, "Three right answers, and justice will be your reward. The more I'm revealed, the less I exist." If you open another browser window to search for the answer, the website calls you out for it. "You search for the right answers, but you need to look deeper," it reads, or "You scour the internet for the truth, but you still need to answer me." Harsh!
For this riddle, the answer is "Secret" which could refer to a ton of things across not only The Batman but the entire DCEU.
When you get three riddles correct (and you can try as many times as you'd like, the game ends with ,"Three out of three. You're one of the smarter ones. Now that you've achieved the highest score, here's something you've never seen before." Then there's a link that says [Click for Reward] before continuing.
"Here lies the end of our game. But I will return soon." Here's where those pictures people are getting are revealed, such as the one with Falcone, Penguin, and possibly Selina. But the images you get as a reward are random.
If you take a while to answer a riddle, another prompt comes up on the screen saying, "It appears we have a challenging question on our hands. Keep thinking."
If you type "N" you get a message that says, "Farewell. We'll try to play another time." But keep in mind that you can select no at first and then refresh the website and select yes. The page will remember you and say, "So, you want some more? Proceed? [Y/N]" Then, you can essentially pick up where you left off.
You can see The Batman exclusively in theaters on March 4, 2022.