'Big Brother 22's Alliances So Far Are Seriously Getting out of Hand

Updated Sept. 3 2020, 11:21 a.m. ET

You aren't playing Big Brother right if you aren't in a powerful alliance as soon as possible. And if you look at Big Brother 22, which is the second all-stars season, you will see a mess of several alliances and duos all vying for the most power in the house. Eventually, these alliances will begin to crumble and dissipate, but until then, some fans are comparing a couple of them to the Bomb Squad alliance of Season 16.
There's nothing uncommon about a large and powerful alliance that plows through the first few weeks of any given season, leaving behind a wake of evictions and terrified houseguests who feel they are next. It is the Big Brother way, after all, to look out for yourself and get to the end. But with so much power currently in the hands of a couple of large alliances, things are bound to get even tenser than they already are.

What was the Bomb Squad on 'Big Brother'?
Right now, Big Brother fans on Twitter are comparing a couple of Cody Calafiore's bigger alliances to the supersized one he had back in Season 16 of Big Brother. At the time, Cody was part of the nine-person super alliance the Bomb Squad. Right now, he is part of two six-person alliances which could grow if he sees fit.
In Season 16, Devin Shepherd secretly added other houseguests to the alliance, allowing it to grow even bigger. It started off with four members and eventually became a nine-person alliance. And now, fans are convinced that's what Cody might do to strengthen one of his big alliances in Big Brother 22. In a way, it could be the best thing for his game. Provided, of course, that it doesn't all blow up in his face.
The Bomb Squad got Cody Calafiore all the way to the final two.
In Season 16, the Bomb Squad helped Cody and fellow member Derrick Levasseur get all the way to the end, with Derrick winning. There's a chance that Cody could do the same thing this time around, but with himself taking home the $500,000 prize instead of coming in second. He might not get fan support, however.
Some fans aren't totally into the idea of an all-powerful alliance, as it makes for a power hungry dynamic and alienates people in a really off-putting way. Luckily, Cody doesn't need America's support to win, but he is going to have to play his game very carefully, as he is already in multiple alliances and agreements with different houseguests.
There are already tons of alliances on 'Big Brother 22' to keep up with.
Right now, there seem to be nine solid alliances, in addition to a few final two deals among different houseguests. The biggest and most powerful alliances are the Slick Six, which includes Cody, Da'Vonne Rogers, Enzo Palumbo, Bayleigh Dayton, Dani Briones, and Tyler Crispin, and The Committee which has Cody, Tyler, Dani, Nicole Franzel, Christmas Abbott, and Memphis Garrett at its helm.
Things are just sort of all over the place, with alliances shifting from week to week. And one of these big alliances stands a real chance at being the next Bomb Squad, as long as its members don't ruin their chances by being way too big for their britches.
Watch Big Brother on Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8 p.m. ET on CBS.