"The Gym is NOT Your Personal Studio" — Bodybuilder Calls out Influencer for Filming Strangers

Published Nov. 17 2023, 9:30 a.m. ET

Joey Swoll (@thejoeyswoll) has called out yet another "entitled" gym goer for recording in a shared workout space, but then getting miffed at folks who had the gall to walk past her video while she's training.
For some reason or another, our species has decided to gobble up content of people rocking their little workout outfits as they squat, curl, hip-thrust, pull-up, and burpee their way into our Instagram feeds. Showing off defined abs and taut butts.
However, sometimes, the self-glamorizing of their bodies occurs in gyms where other people are paying memberships for. Sometimes, maybe those same members don't want to end up on another person's social media video.
Or maybe they don't want to get stared down like they just slashed your tires when all they did was try to walk towards the treadmill while you were too busy popping your hips backward at the perfect angle while performing a Turkish get up.
Swoll posted why he believes this is such a problematic trend in so many gyms, calling out a particular fitness Influencer in his video.
Swoll's video begins with a stitched clip containing the peeved influencer's clip: "This always happens when you're shooting content," the female gym-goer writes in a text overlay of her video as she checks herself out in the camera before launching into a series of dumbbell deadlifts and lunges.
Other folks who use the gym end up walking on camera and directly past her lens. Towards the end of her clip, she looks back at the camera, presumably upset that there are other folks who would dare walk into her shot.

Joy explains why he isn't a big fan of this camera-in-the-gym-means-sudden-ownership-of-the-space complex: "You know I truly don't understand this entitlement when filming in gyms. But this nonsense needs to end," he declares.
The jacked TikToker continues, "Imagine setting your camera up in a busy walkway in front of some lockers and the locker rooms and then getting upset when people walk through your video? Really? And the look you give that man at the end, as if he and everybody else should stop what they're doing just because you're filming?"

Joey continues to highlight how idiotically selfish it is for people who film themselves in shared workout spaces are: "I'm sorry you don't own the gym. It's not his job or anybody's job to care about you filming. They pay the same gym membership fees that you pay."
The weight lifter continued his verbal onslaught with a suggestion as to where camera happy fitness enthusiasts can record themselves without worrying about people stepping into their shots: "But hey, if you want to film somewhere where nobody's gonna walk into your video and you can do as you please, build a home gym."

He said that if folks have their own home gym set ups they can record and train to their heart's content without having to worry about anyone ruining their perfect video: "Train there. It's videos like this and people like you that are the reason that everyone wants filming banned in gyms. You need to do better. Mind your own business."
Commenters who saw Joey's video seemed to agree with his sentiments, and one TikToker even went so far as to state that filming workouts in gyms should be banned across the board: "Should be a no vid policy in all gyms"

Someone else said that the gym they attend specifically forbids any type of recording inside: "So glad my gym doesn't allow filming"
Which appears to be a trend more places are moving towards, judging by another comment left by a user who said their own gym's no-camera policy changed the demographic of folks who train there.
"my gym banned filming, and tripods. the gym emptied out so fast and the gym got new members who came there to actually train"
What do you think? Was the fitness Influencer in the wrong? Or was Joey Swoll coming down on her a bit too hard?