Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson Shared That He and His Family All Tested Positive for COVID-19

Updated Sept. 2 2020, 9:38 p.m. ET

Today, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson uploaded a video to Instagram, informing his fans that he and his entire family have contracted COVID-19. The 48-year-old beloved actor shared that his wife (Lauren Hashian) and their two young daughters, Jasmine (4) and Tiana (2), tested positive for the virus, but are feeling better — and are no longer contagious.
The Rock went into detail about COVID-19.
The 11 1/2-minute long video serves as a warning for viewers who aren't taking the pandemic seriously or don't think it could happen to them. "I wanted to give you guys a little helpful update on things that have been going on on my end for the past two-and-a-half to three weeks now. So the update is this: My wife Lauren as well as my two baby girls and myself, we have all tested positive for COVID-19. I could tell you that this has been one of the most challenging and difficult things we have ever had to endure as a family, and for me, too, personally as well," he said.
"And I've gone through some doozies in the past," The Rock added. He continued, saying, "Testing positive for COVID-19 is much different than overcoming nasty injuries, or being evicted, or even being broke, which I have been more than a few times." He said his family was his No.1 priority, and he needed to protect them. The Rock also shared that he got COVID-19 from family friends, who feel pretty bad that they accidentally spread it. Remember: You can spread COVID-19 even when you're asymptomatic.
Luckily, The Rock and his family feel a lot better now. "I wish it was only me who tested positive, but it wasn't, it was my entire family, so this one was a real kick in the gut. But I am happy to tell you guys that we as a family are good. We're on the other end of it, we're on the other side. We're no longer contagious, and we are, thank God, we are healthy," The Rock told fans. While Jasmine and Tiana didn't show severe symptoms, The Rock shared that he and Lauren "had a rough go at it," although he didn't elaborate.

The actor warned fans that we never know who might have COVID-19 or not, and to be vigilant and careful. "If you guys are having family and friends over to your house, you know them, you trust them. They can be quarantining just like you guys. You still never know. You never know. Don't let your guard down," he advised.
The Rock also called out politicians who have helped spread the idea that wearing a mask is somehow an infringement on our freedom, or some kind of political statement. He urged everyone to do their part and wear a mask when around other people.
"The other thing is, wear you mask; we have been in quarantine for months, we wear our masks every day. This baffles me that some people out there, including some politicians will take this idea of wearing a mask and make it a political agenda ... it has nothing to do [with] politics. Wear your mask. It is a fact, and it is the right thing to do. And it's the responsible thing to do."

The Rock & Lauren
We're so glad to hear The Rock and his family are healthy now. Best of all, he used his gigantic platform (196 million followers on Instagram!) to spread a vital message: Anyone can get COVID if they're not careful. And everyone needs to do their part by wearing a mask.