Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson Is So Muscular That He Couldn't Fit in a Sports Car While Filming a Movie

Updated Nov. 17 2020, 4:44 p.m. ET

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson has been busy filming Red Notice, his next big heist movie for Netflix. But the pro-wrestler-turned-Hollywood-star hit a bit of a snafu, and it's all because of his giant muscles.
He posted a picture of himself on Instagram standing next to a car with the caption, "Aaaaand guess who's too big to fit in yet another sports car and now we have to change the entire shot sequence around." That's right, folks. The Rock literally has too many muscles to be able to fit in the car they wanted to use in the movie.
His caption continues, "For our @netflix globe-trotting heist movie, RED NOTICE, my writer/director @rawsonthurber (pictured here on the ground setting up the new camera angle) wrote this INSANE chase sequence where I hop in this iconic Porsche and be the bad ass behind the wheel that I am.
"Well, after months of prep and costs buying and shipping this car over to the states — it's time to rehearse the big chase sequence. It goes as follows: Rawson: Hey D, let's get you in the Porsche and I'll line up the shot. DJ: Let's do it. *DJ attempts to get into the car only to get stuck because his back is a bit too wide.
"Rawson: Laughs. *DJ continues to struggle trying to shimmy into this Porsche like a big ass brown marshmallow getting shoved into a coin slot. Rawson: Wait can you fit? DJ: No. *Rawson now nervois laughs. Rawson: Are you f--king with me? DJ: No. Rawson: Oh my God.
"After about 15 seconds of uncomfortable silence... Rawson, myself and the entire crew just started laughing our asses off!! F--k it. Welcome to 2020. In the end we showed our agility to think quick on our feet and found 'creative' ways to still get the shot."
The funniest thing about this is he wrote, "Guess who's too big to fit in yet another sports car," which means that this is not the first time this has happened. You would think that once it happened the first time, he might be more inclined to say something before a film crew spends all this time and money to ship a teeny tiny sports car to the U.S.
But I guess there's just no way to know if Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson will fit into a tiny Porsche until he tries to get in. You can't call them and be like, "Hello, European car people? Is this car big enough to fit a person who has been working out nonstop every day for thirty years? Who eats, like, tens of thousands of calories a day only to turn it all into pure muscle? Hello? Are you still there?"
I'm glad the crew was able to work around The Rock's massive physique and get the shots they needed, but now when I watch Red Notice, I'll probably think, "I mean, the movie was pretty good but it would have been better if I saw The Rock actually dramatically exit the tiny sports car."
The Rock, Rawson Thurber, and crew just finished filming Red Notice after production was shut down for a while due to the pandemic. The jacked movie star says the movie will be out on Netflix sometime in 2021.
The movie also stars Gal Gadot and Ryan Reynolds, so there is a fair amount of star power behind this thing. Ryan Reynolds posted a photo from the set, and while he's not having trouble fitting into sports cars, he's having his own sort of struggle.
He wrote, "When directors are talking, I make heavy eye contact. So they're 100 percent sure I'm listening, even if my mind wanders. For instance, in this photo, I'm thinking about the @therock would look like with bangs." Sounds like this is going to be fun one, whether The Rock steps out of a Porsche on screen or not.