Will There Be a Season 3 of the HBO Docuseries "The Vow?'

Published Nov. 22 2022, 5:21 p.m. ET

Nancy Salzman in 'The Vow: Part 2'
Not to be confused with the romantic comedy of the same name, The Vow is a compelling docuseries that first premiered on HBO in August 2020.
It told the story of NXIVM (pronounced as "nexium"), a group founded in 1998 by Keith Raniere and Nancy Salzman. This group, which was estimated to have attracted some 20,000 members, was branded as a “personal development company” that offered programs specializing in self-improvement. NXIVM claimed that its programs would allow members to experience “more joy in their lives.”
The group was extremely popular and even attracted the likes of some famous celebrities like Smallville actress Allison Mack. However, it wasn’t long before NXIVM was accused of brainwashing its members. People started referring to it as a cult. A sex cult. And in 2017, the truth started to unravel to the public.

People line up outside courthouse where Keith Raneire is on trial.
The first part of The Vow focused on Keith Raniere, who was forcing members to have sexual relations with him. Raniere was sentenced to 120 years in prison in October 2020, according to The New York Times.
Then in October 2022, a second season of the docuseries was released, which focused on Nancy Salzman. So, will there be a part 3 of The Vow? And who/what would it be about? Here’s what we know.
Will there be a third season of 'The Vow'?
HBO has not yet announced if there will be a third season of The Vow. However, if there's more story to tell, the odds appear to be in favor of renewal.
Seasons 1 and 2 of The Vow did fairly well. The former got a 72 percent rating on Rotten Tomatoes, while the latter got a 70 percent.

Keith Raniere’s alleged inner circle
Why was it called 'The Vow?'
Within NXIVM was a secret society for women dubbed DOS. It was named after the Latin phrase “Dominus Obsequious Sororium," which loosely translates to “Master Over Slave Women.”
According to a statement from the Department of Justice, “DOS operated with levels of women ‘slaves’ headed by ‘masters.’ Slaves were expected to recruit slaves of their own (thus becoming masters themselves), who in turn owed service not only to their own masters but also to masters above them in the DOS pyramid.”
A woman's allegiance to the group was often referred to as “the vow.”
Seasons 1 and 2 of The Vow are now streaming on HBO Max.