Rio's Ex on 'Good Girls' Might Not Have the Best Intentions With Beth

Updated March 8 2021, 3:23 p.m. ET
According to Beth on Good Girls, if you kill someone's father, the best thing to do to make up for it is to get them involved in intramural sports. That’s a start, but little does Beth know she didn't kill anyone and Rio is about to come back from the "dead" to blow her mind. Before that happens, though, Beth will still be knee-deep in guilt and trying her best to make up for what she thinks she did to Rio’s ex.
The Good Girls Season 3 premiere showed Beth and Rio’s ex as new besties and even ended with Rio’s ex giving Beth a check to help her pay off the back interest on her missed mortgage payments. So while Beth was trying to make up for killing Rio, his ex was writing a check to her for literally thousands of dollars. And there are already some theories about Rio’s ex that point to the reasons behind the check and what might really happen between the two women as the season progresses.
Rio's ex is secretly working with him.
One fan on reddit posted that they think Rio might have been behind his ex giving Beth the check. It would mean that not only did his ex know he is alive and well, but that she has been working with him all this time and knows everything about Beth. Because right now, as far as Beth knows, Rio’s ex was blind to most of his illegal dealings and certainly unaware of his involvement with Beth on a personal level. It would definitely make for a dramatic reveal later in the season.
The check will be Beth's undoing on 'Good Girls.'
Another fan wrote on reddit that they think that as soon as Beth cashes the check, Rio will find out and it will be bad news for her. Even if he and his ex aren't in contact and he didn't know about the friendship that Beth initiated in his "death," the check could come back to bite Beth. If Rio doesn't know about Beth being in contact with his ex and his son, he might find out as soon as he sees the cashed check made out to her. And at that point, she could be under his control yet again.
His ex is more powerful than she seems.
On the other hand, Rio’s ex might be someone who is calling the shots. Rio granted Beth the keys to the kingdom in Season 2, but there’s a chance that his ex is also a criminal in her own right. It would be hard to believe that she’s an innocent nurse who just happened to be involved with a high-level gangster without any involvement in the crimes herself. She might turn out to be the leader Beth aspires to be, thus taking Rio out of the equation as a real threat to Beth this time around.
Beth and Rio's ex will work together.
If Rio’s ex has illegal dealings of her own, she and Beth might end up working together. It wouldn't be unlike Beth to bring someone new into the fold since that seems to be her thing. But in this case, she would be bringing in someone who might already have extensive knowledge of the counterfeiting business. It would set things up for Beth, Annie, and Ruby to work with Rio’s ex against him.
Rio’s ex on Good Girls seems like less of a threat than a big bad right now, but that could change. Beth is prone to making one bad decision after another, which could include befriending the woman. And with Rio back in the world and out of hiding, something is definitely going to go down.
Watch Good Girls on Sundays at 10 p.m. ET on NBC.