The 'Moon Knight' Finale Finally Revealed Marc's Third Personality (SPOILERS)

Updated May 5 2022, 6:39 p.m. ET

Spoiler alert: This article contains spoilers for Moon Knight Episodes 3 through 6.
Fans of the Moon Knight comic book series are familiar with three of Moon Knight’s identities: Marc Spector, Steven Grant, and Jake Lockley. In the MCU, the first two episodes only introduced viewers to Marc and Steven. But things started to shift in Episode 3, when Marc and Steven both denied obvious violent acts that had occurred around them.
So who was the culprit, if Marc and Steven both blacked out?
After all, someone had to be responsible for the dead bodies strewn about near Marc and Steven when they regained consciousness. Fans were convinced that all signs pointed to Jake Lockley.
Were they right, or did the theory miss the mark?

‘Moon Knight’ Episode 3 was the first episode to address a third identity.
While comic book fans have always known about a third Moon Knight identity, the Disney Plus series initially suggested that only Marc and Steven lived within the same body. But in Episode 3, Marc periodically lost consciousness while another alter took over in the midst of a physical altercation. At first, we assumed that it was Steven taking over, but that didn't make much sense, considering the fact that Steven seemed to be the “weakest,” at least physically, of the personalities.

When Steven came to, he was surrounded by dead bodies, and was seemingly responsible for their demise. Steven exclaimed in horror, asking Marc what he'd done. But Marc told Steven that it wasn’t him. So, if it wasn’t Steven or Marc in control of their body, was it Khonshu? Or was it someone else?
Marc's third identity was finally revealed in the 'Moon Knight' finale.
Another hint that Marc and Steven weren't alone was dropped like an anvil in Episode 1, when we learned that one of Steven’s alters had asked a work colleague from the museum out on a date. Steven had no recollection of this, so it likely wasn't him. It’s also improbable that Marc would have asked someone out since he’s married to Layla, cares about her, and doesn’t want anyone to get hurt.

In the comic books, Jake is a rough-and-tumble sort of guy. He’s a cab driver who uses his occupation as a front to get close to the criminal underworld. To understand Moon Knight’s alters, it helps to understand where they came from. Jake and Steven began as conscious alter egos that Marc created in order to infiltrate the criminal world.
Marc created Steven as a meek, white-collar guy who could rub elbows with the wealthy and corrupt, while he used Jake, the cab driver, to get in with seedy criminals. But between juggling these identities, Marc lost control of his alters to an underlying dissociative identity disorder.
In the Moon Knight Episode 6 post-credits scene, Jake finally reveals himself. Marc had refused to kill Arthur Harrow (Ethan Hawke) at Khonshu's command, so Khonshu utilized Jake to get the job done.

Arthur is wheeled out of a psychiatric facility into a limousine, where Khonshu is waiting for him. Khonshu insinuates that Marc himself is still unaware of his third identity, and introduces Arthur to his friend, Jake Lockley.
Jake faces Arthur from the driver's seat, and says, "Today is your turn to lose," in Spanish. He shoots Arthur without a shred of hesitation.
It makes perfect sense for Marc's third personality to be Jake, since he’s considered comic book canon and is a bit rougher than Marc and Steven. Since he operates in the criminal world, Jake has fewer reservations when it comes to violence and murder. Jake's introduction in the Episode 6 post-credits scene seems to be a tantalizing way to tease a second season of Moon Knight. After all, we need to see Marc discover Jake himself!
You can stream all six episodes of Moon Knight now on Disney Plus.