"This Is When the Feeling Sinks In": All About TikTok's Latest Trend

Published May 3 2022, 3:09 p.m. ET
There’s another awesome trend on TikTok to keep up with right now. This time, it’s all about accepting your current circumstances with happiness and gratitude. Sometimes it takes going through something life-changing or traumatic for you to finally open your eyes to the realization that you need to seek out some sort of change.
This trend is called “This Is When the Feeling Sinks In." Set to the background of a Taylor Sift/Soulja Boy mashup by TikToker DJ Rog, these videos are absolutely perfect for anyone who feels as though they’re elevating in life these days.
Here’s a sweet roundup of some of the best TikTok videos utilizing this viral trend.
This couple on TikTok makes a great point!
It might be a little shocking to find out that the person you’re married to is bisexual. For this couple on TikTok, the news actually came with some awesome silver lining. At first, he's surprised to hear the news that his wife is also attracted to women … until he realizes that she had the freedom to choose any man or woman in the world to be with — and she still chose to be with him. Talk about adorable!
Who cares about getting dumped when you're young and hot?!
This stunning TikToker knows that getting dumped by her boyfriend totally isn’t the end of the world. Getting broken up with when you’re young is one of the most painful experiences a person can go through, but instead of dwelling in pessimism, she realizes that she brings so much to the table.
Since she knows her worth, she has no reason to be sad. The on-screen caption says, “When your boyfriend dumps you and you miss him … but then you remember you’re young, successful, and in your prime.“ There’s absolutely nothing stopping this girl or slowing her down.
Leaving a toxic relationship feels so good.
This TikToker made one of the bravest and boldest moves ever … and documented her decision on TikTok for her followers to see. Her on-sreen caption says, “When you’re sick of your toxic boyfriend so you secretly move out in a day to a dope apartment, and he comes home from work to a sh---y apartment and all my stuff is gone.”
It’s unclear what she went through while dealing with her toxic ex-boyfriend, but the fact that she was able to take care of herself by prioritizing her own happiness, mental health, and peace of mind is beyond impressive.
This TikTok couple is living their dreams.
Another inspirational TikTok couple hopped on the bandwagon with this trend to highlight the fact that they moved across the country and are now living their dreams. In their written caption, they encourage their followers to chase their dreams, no matter what they are.
A lot of people stay stagnant in one place because they fear the unknown. It turns out that making the brave decision to relocate to new environment might change your life in an unexpected way. If you really think about, it’s actually scarier to stay in a place where you’re bored, miserable, or incapable of self-growth. It's far less scary to move to a place where you can truly find yourself.