'Thor 4' Has Been Confirmed — Here's Everything You Need to Know

Updated July 17 2019, 2:47 p.m. ET

The last we saw of Thor was in Star-Lord's spaceship in Avengers: Endgame. The battle against Thanos was won, and peace (and life) was restored to earth. Instead of returning to New Asgard to rule, Thor gave that responsibility to Valkyrie (who, TBH, has much better leadership skills than the God of Thunder). Does this mean Thor's new storyline revolves around Star-Lord's space crew? Will he come back to New Asgard to defeat a new villain? Will Thor and Natalie Portman Jane ever get back together? Luckily for us, we'll get to find out soon enough: Thor 4 has been confirmed, and Taika Waititi will be directing the film.
Here's what we know about Thor 4 so far.
Thor 4 will probably be very awesome, since Taika directed Thor: Ragnarok, and that was arguably the best Thor movie of the franchise (Jeff Goldblum and his blue space makeup agrees). It's also been confirmed Chris Hemsworth will be coming back as Thor. It seems like Taika had to make a choice between Thor 4 and the live action adaptation of Akira, a Japanese manga movie originally released in 1988. Akira was slated for a May 21, 2021 release, but according to The Hollywood Reporter, it's "being put on pause indefinitely as the two projects' production dates began to bump up against one another."
Regardless of the change in plans, Thor fans are psyched.
Will Loki be back for Thor 4?
Remember when Thanos killed Loki after Loki tried killing him in the beginning of Infinity War? But do you also remember when Loki stole the Space Stone and vanished in Endgame? In an interview with Business Insider, director Joe Russo claims Loki definitely messed with the timeline: “It gets very complicated, but it would be impossible for [Cap] to rectify the timeline unless he found Loki. The minute that Loki does something as dramatic as take the Space Stone, he creates a branched reality.”
So, while Loki's return hasn't been confirmed or denied...it's not NOT a possibility. Fans are certainly hopeful.
When does Thor 4 come out?
Nothing is confirmed yet, but Comicbook.com seems to think May 2021 or November 2021 are feasible dates (November especially, since Thor: The Dark World and Thor: Ragnarok both came out then). If not 2021, then definitely 2022—it all depends on which Marvel movies are already slated, and how long Thor 4 will take to produce and shoot. Here are all the Marvel movies that have been greenlit.