Rapper T.I. Brags That He Takes His Daughter to Get Her Hymen Checked Every Year

Updated April 27 2020, 1:44 p.m. ET

In a recent appearance on the podcast Ladies Like Us, rapper T.I. revealed he takes overprotective fatherhood to a new level of gross and inappropriate. The 39-year-old father of six was discussing how he deals with the topic of sex in his household, and not only shared way too much about his 18-year-old daughter's life but also seemed to brag about the control he exerts over her sexuality... by taking her every year for a hymen check.
"Deyjah’s 18, just graduated high school now and she’s attending her first year of college, figuring it out for herself,” he said. “And yes, not only have we had the [sex] conversation, we have yearly trips to the gynecologist to check her hymen.” He really really said that.
Podcast hosts Nazanin Mandi (who is married to singer Miguel) and makeup artist Nadia Moham seemed to think Tip was joking, but he makes it very clear the situation he described is 100 percent real. “Usually like the day after the party she’s enjoying her gifts. I put a sticky note on the door: ‘Gyno. Tomorrow. 9:30.’" he revealed. He goes with her to the doctor.
If you're at all familiar with health information privacy laws, you know Deyjah is entitled to have private information about her body withheld from her parents.
However, he says he had his daughter sign a waiver allowing the doctor to share this information with her father. "I’m like, ‘Deyjah they want you to sign this so we can share information. Is there anything you wouldn’t want me to know? See doc? No problem.’"

(L-R) Diane Cottle-Pope, Major Harris, T.I., Heiress Harris, Deyjah Harris, Tameka "Tiny" Harris, and Zonnique Pullins
I'll leave aside for a minute how controlling this behavior is so we can discuss the anatomical ignorance of this "virginity check" he seems to think is his right as a father. Not every woman is born with a hymen and they vary in size, thickness, and elasticity.
The presence or lack of one isn't really a reliable marker for whether someone with a vagina has had penetrative sex. You can lack one and still have never engaged in PIV sex, and in some cases, you can still have one even if you are sexually active.
T.I. seems to know most of this but doesn't care. He says when the doctors explained this to him, his response was, "'Look doc, she don’t ride no horses, she don’t ride no bike, she don’t play no sports. Just check the hymen please and give me back my results expeditiously.'”

So, just to summarize, T.I. is fully comfortable bragging that he pressured his 18-year-old daughter to consent to a pelvic exam and to have the results of that exam shared with him, and then further thought it was totally chill to share that information on a podcast.
Deyjah hasn't overtly discussed her father's oversharing and his treating her like property he has a right to have appraised every year. However, some think this tweet is regarding the outpouring of support people have given her over T.I.'s comments.

"That is Your body your choice and our Business," wrote one fan. "TI has lost his mind!" A lot of the sentiments people shared in their replies were along those lines. "I'm sorry for what is happening to you," wrote another. "No one should have control over your body but you."
Deyjah's body isn't the only one besides his own he feels he has dominion over. He also seems to think he owns half of his wife Tameka "Tiny" Harris' body. He also doesn't know the difference between a uvula (the hangy ball in the back of your throat) and a vulva, so it seems T.I.'s ignorance around women's bodies knows no bounds.