Try Not Laughing at This TikTok Teen Who Got a Harmonica Stuck in Her Mouth

Updated Jan. 29 2020, 10:58 a.m. ET

TikTok is probably the only video sharing platform to capture the same type of public fervor as Vine did in its heyday, and new users are flocking to their smartphones every minute to share potentially meme-able content to grow their following and establish themselves as entertainers of sorts. Or maybe they just want to goof off and tickle some people's funny bones. If you've spent any time browsing popular clips on the app, then you'll notice things can get weird pretty quickly.
Like this dude who "reviews" food by saying the names of items he's about to scarf down and broadcasts his enjoyment of what he's about to eat in anticipation. His money shot, however, is when he says his patented phrase, "Chicken Leg Piece." It drives people nuts and I have to be honest, although I can't explain why, I totally get why.
Then there are the more run-of-the-mill funny things people do on the internet to make others giggle. Self-humiliation is usually a good way to go about doing that, which might be why Mollie O'Brien thought it'd be a good idea to jam a harmonica in her mouth. It's a comedy slam dunk. Every time she breathes, wheezy brass notes would uncontrollably emit from her instrument-stuffed gullet. It's brilliant.
Well it was, until it got stuck.

Mollie found she couldn't get the large harmonica out of her mouth after shoving it in there. And throngs of viewers are being entertained by her desperate attempts to extricate it from her lips while lamenting her fate. Some are indulging in a bit of schadenfreude, while others are horrified but, like a train wreck, just can't look away.
The worst part for Mollie was realizing she had to tell her mother the idiotic thing she did. What was going through her head when she realized she couldn't remove the instrument from her over-stretched maw? "For lack of a better word, 'F***, my mom will kill me now,'" she said.

Mollie's mom wasn't angry so much as she was "shocked she raised such a weird kid." Seeing how badly the harmonica was lodged, Mollie mom took her to the hospital where she met a surgical dentist.

Thankfully she wasn't turned into a facsimile of Heath Ledger's Joker; the dentist just had to use a little tool to get the harmonica out. Mollie ended up being totally fine, and the dentist imparted her with some words of wisdom: "Let's not do this again, OK dear?"
Mollie's story just reinforces a sound piece of logic shared by the legendary Ric Flair years ago...
Jumping on, is a lot easier than jumping off. Or in Mollie's case, shoving a harmonica in your mouth is easier than getting it out.