This TikTok Ab Workout Is the Perfect Way to Prank Your Significant Other

Updated July 2 2020, 12:49 p.m. ET

It seems that TikTok is an endless void of weird challenges and pranks. Most of the pranks on the app are harmless, providing hours of laughs on a simple scroll through your "For You" page.
Significant others bear a lot of the brunt when it comes to these TikTok pranks. Whether it's scaring your partner into thinking you're upset with the "You could have been nicer to me" prank, or the smoking toilet prank, TikTok users' partners are experiencing TikTok's pranks firsthand.
But for those in relationships where you're comfortable enough to pull these kinds of pranks on one another, it can make for some good laughs between the two of you.
The ab workout prank is just another one of those mostly harmless, but really funny pranks to play on your significant other, and if you're comfortable enough together, it could return some hilarious results. Don't worry — it's not actually a workout. There are no sets or reps required for this one.
How to do the ab workout prank.
This prank is best done with a significant other or someone else that you're comfortable getting physically close to. It's probably not best to attempt this one on someone who you don't have that sort of connection with.
To set up the prank, tell your significant other that you want to try out a new workout with them. Some have disguised it as an ab workout, while others have said it's couples yoga. Workout clothes are not required, but might be recommended if you have a suspicious partner.
To set up the prank, have your significant other sit up, with their legs stretched out straight in front of them. Get into a plank position, placing your ankles on their shoulders. This position should look a lot like some couples yoga positions, if you need some reference.
If you're positioned right, your butt should be level with their head; this is crucial to the prank, so don't feel awkward about it.
From here, all you have to do is use your legs to pull their head so it smacks your butt. Most TikTokers set this video to J. Dash's "Wop," performing the prank just as the lyrics go "Now let me see you wop, wop, wop, wop," doing the moves in time with the music.
Like we said, this is best done on someone you're physically comfortable with, as this prank involves a decent amount of physical intimacy.
Just be sure to be careful with your significant other, as the intent of the prank is not to hurt them — just take them by surprise and maybe even make them laugh a little.
Since this prank does require a lot of physical coordination, if your partner is not completely on board, or you're worried about accidentally hurting them, it may be best to skip this one, as it could easily go wrong and cause an accident.