TikTok's "Snow Hack" Claims to Keep Your Car Snow-Free, but People Are Divided

Published Feb. 4 2022, 9:16 a.m. ET

Snow is a disgusting white filth that plagues our species. It ruins businesses, roads, causes a multitude of accidents, destroys power lines, and is an expensive, abhorrent nuisance to get rid of. Sure it's fun to sled down and of course, you'll have people who'll say, "Oh but it's nice to look at!" Who cares. If you want to see snow, go Google photos of it and save us.
But for those of us who live in areas where we cannot escape the snow, we have to deal with it. Much like taxes or that one get-rich-quick-scheme family member, we're forced to listen to each and every holiday season.
And if you have a car, maybe you've devised some plans of attack when it comes to ensuring your vehicle is safe to drive after a snowstorm.
You put up your windshield wipers. If you have a remote start, you set your defoggers and heaters to maximum capacity to do what you can to melt that vile white substance from within. You get yourself the industrial-sized extending car broom with scrap side to make clearing your car of snow easier.
But what if there was a better way? A "hack" if you will that would stop snow from getting in all the nooks and crannies of your vehicle? Like...a blanket or two?
There's a technique trending on TikTok involving blankets that is super simple and pretty darn effective. You just cover your car with a large, heavy cloth for all the snow to collect on.

Then, after the snowfall's done, or whenever you're ready to take your car out, you just pull the blanket off and watch the powder fall to the ground and your vehicle, for the most part, will be free from the stuff.

Sure, you'll have to go through all of the trouble of clearing, cleaning, and drying your now damp blankets of snow, but that's a problem for later you. Now you can just be on your merry way without spending time on making sure you're whip is safe to drive.
But there's probably an even better way to implement this trick.

No, and it's not "just put your car in a garage" (but that would be ideal). Instead of using a blanket, one could purchase a massive painter's tarp and use the rings on its side to weigh said tarp down with some objects so it doesn't blow away.

The tarps are water proof and way easier to rid of snow than a cloth blanket, and you could easily dust that thing off, pop it in your trunk and be on your merry way.
Or you could, you know, just buy a car cover, like this $40 one from Amazon and call it a day.

Folks who saw the hack in action were flabbergasted by the practicality, but others pointed out the obvious: that car covers exist and that the blankets/towels could freeze from the moisture and end up causing damage to the vehicle when one attempts to pull them off.

What do you think of the blanket cover trick? Is it impressive? Or do you think it's a no-brainer and anyone with a car cover has known this for quite some time already?