You Won’t Be Able to Resist Trying TikTok’s Blink Challenge

Updated Sept. 3 2020, 12:17 p.m. ET

Well, folks, we’ve done it. We’ve reached the part of TikTok where blinking has become a game. As in, closing your eyelids. You know. Blinking. It’s a game now. Actually, there are several different blinking games you can now play on TikTok. A bunch of them show up whenever you search for “Blink Challenge” videos. Honestly, some of them are quite impressive!
If you’re feeling bored — or if you’re really, really good at blinking — you may want to give them a try. At the very least, it’s a way to spend some time, right? Anyway, without further ado, here’s what you need to know about TikTok’s Blink Challenge.
TikTok has several Blink Challenges for you to try.
When you search the #blinkchallenge tag on TikTok, you’ll see videos from people who are participating in several different types of challenges, all of which have to do with blinking. There seem to be two main types of Blink Challenge videos, which is what we’ll be covering today.
First up, there’s the “Blink on the Beat Challenge.” This one is pretty self explanatory. You’re meant to play a specific TikTok sound and then try to blink exactly on the beat of that song. One of the most popular songs for this challenge is a remix of Dr. Dre’s “Still D.R.E.” As the beat speeds up, it becomes trickier to keep your blinks on the beat. Give it a try!
TikTok user @jack_usher took things to the next level when he made his own Blink Challenge blinking both of his eyes to different beats of a song. It’s honestly pretty incredible to watch. (Even after you realize there’s some editing trickery going on, he still had to blink super quickly to achieve such a smooth look to his video!)
There’s also the Blink Challenge that involves trying to blink at the exact moment that a timer hits 6 seconds. As with many of the filters that are featured in TikTok challenges, the 6-second timer filter actually originates from Instagram. That being said, it’s very easy to record your video on Instagram, download it, and then upload it to TikTok.
In order to get the “Blink at 6 Seconds” filter, open your Instagram app, then swipe over to the Stories tab. At the bottom of the screen (where the filters pop up), scroll over all the way to the right and select “Browse Effects.” Search for “6 seconds” and select the filter made by @yana.mishkinis, then tap the “Try It” button in the lower left-hand corner of your screen.
Record your video with your front-facing camera. Simply tap the screen to start the timer and blink to stop it — obviously, you want to stop at exactly 6 seconds. Once you’ve recorded your video (successfully hitting the 6-second mark or not), tap the download icon at the top of your screen, save the video to your phone, and reupload it to TikTok with whatever additional editing you want to add. Easy peasy!
We never would have guessed that blinking would become such an important part of TikTok culture, but we can’t deny that it’s pretty fun to participate in these challenges — you just can’t help trying to be the best blinker ever (if that’s even a thing). Happy blinking!