According to TikTok, We've Been Closing Cereal Boxes Incorrectly This Entire Time

Updated May 13 2020, 4:21 p.m. ET

By now, most of us know that TikTok is a cesspool for ingenuity, as it's now a platform for dancers to share all of their most creative moves, a hub for lifestyle hacks, and, most importantly, a hotspot for dank cooking shortcuts. But the latest viral TikTok hack is seriously blowing the minds of users across the globe — apparently, we've been closing our cereal boxes incorrectly all these years, and we're seriously shook.
You're most likely wondering how we could have possibly closed our cereal boxes incorrectly after all these years, and trust us, we're shocked too. While we can't imagine how we managed to screw up such a simple task, TikTok has taught us an innovative new cereal box technique that has everyone freaking out.

Lo and behold — TikTok has presented us with the proper way to close a cereal box.
Although you most likely clicked on this article as an avid consumer of cereal, there's a likely chance you've struggled with closing your cereal box for your entire cereal-eating life. After pouring yourself a bowl, you probably haphazardly attempt to seal it by attempting to fold the larger flap into the slit of the smaller flap, right? But alas, there's an easier — and far more efficient — way to ensure your cereal is safe.
Last month, TikTok user KatyBee2020 took to the social media platform to post the correct way to close a cereal box — after folding in the two smaller flaps, she creases the sides, and stuffs the larger flaps in, and thus, a seal is essentially created. Check out the original video, as well as others that demonstrate the cereal box hack. It's genius.
Here are a few cereal storage tips from avid cereal enthusiasts:
Although TikTok's cereal box technique is relatively simple, there are a few tips professionals swear by — Katy Bee, for example, reminds cereal fiends like us not to accidentally tear the flaps of the box when first opening the box. If you do accidentally tear either of the flaps, the box might not close quite as efficiently as it could.
Additionally, as usual, we recommend keeping your cereal in a cool, room-temperature spot of your home — while TikTok's technique protects your cereal from getting stale, heat or moisture could still damage your beloved breakfast food. We can't imagine a worse tragedy.
Finally, don't try this storage technique if you're looking to save any of that mini pancakes "cereal" for later — those are definitely best kept in a container in the refrigerator if you don't manage to wolf down the entire thing.
Although many of us wish we knew this cereal box hack back in the days of Sprinkle Sprangles, Banana Frosted Flakes, and — of course — Mini Buns, we're seriously thrilled that we can utilize this technique for the future to maintain our beloved Apple Jacks and Corn Flakes in a proper organized manner.