Don’t Tell Me Your Crimes: TikTok Lawyer Warns Users They’re Getting Him in Trouble

Published Dec. 22 2021, 7:03 p.m. ET

The law is a convoluted and unwieldy beast to try to understand, and getting expert legal advice from someone who actually knows what they're doing — and isn't just trying to bill you at hundreds of dollars an hour so they can pay off their BMW or afford that vacation for that special someone they're trying to impress on Tinder — is a tall order.
And while there are plenty of free legal resources online to help you get a better understanding of any potential trouble you may or may not be in, being able to speak to someone who is a lawyer by trade is way more helpful than trying to decipher whatever documentation you find online.
Which could be why so many TikTok users are turning to @loloverruled (Alex Peter) for advice, but the problem is, they're basically admitting that they're criminals in the process.
And he's warning them against that for multiple reasons: one, he's legally not their defense attorney, and two, he doesn't want to get in trouble.

Alex has over 580,000 followers on the platform, and many users refer to the attorney as "Our Lawyer." In a post that's gone viral, he said to his fanbase, "I am not your defense attorney. I'm not. I know it's funny but I am scared you guys are going to get me in trouble."
The video is yet another example of Alex going out of his way to beg his followers not to refer to him as "their" lawyer and the implications of making such claims online.
He also posts tons of videos where he discusses the various crimes his users have claimed to have committed, highlighting them and offering up his commentary on the nature of these offenses.
For instance, the one user who asked if it was illegal to steal ducks from a park: "Is it illegal to take ducks from a park? Also do you want to see my totally not stolen park ducks?" In the clip, Alex can be seen pouring himself a glass of vodka while showcasing the question from his mallard-pilfering follower.
Other users quipped that they should all commit crimes together in order to help Alex maximize his efficiency: "Y'all selfish af. This one man cannot defend us all like this. There just isn't time. We need to crime together as a unit. What y'all doing in April?"
The public defender is cherished by his fans, as much as they razz him, but he also has made several posts about the particularities of the United States justice system, as well as the rights his followers have as U.S. citizens: the fifth amendment, the right to an attorney, etc.
He also received an overwhelming response from his fanbase after he posted an Amazon Wish List for social worker supplies, and people went all out to ensure that they got more than what they needed.
Alex said of the gesture: "Incredible kindness."