TikTok's List of School Challenges Is Available, and Teachers Should Quit Now
Published Sept. 29 2021, 10:49 a.m. ET

Since the dawn of the COVID-19 pandemic, it's been impossible for most students to have a normal school year. Many had to learn virtually or in a hybrid environment, and even now that many schools are reopened, masks and social distancing guidelines are in effect. Even as school returns to some level of normalcy, many faculty are also dealing with a list of school challenges that are now dominating TikTok.
The 'devious lick' challenge was just the beginning.
Throughout the month of September, students have been taking part in the "devious lick" challenge, in which they steal something from their school. The most common theft was of soap dispensers and other bathroom appliances, but students also stole office equipment and even made off with things as big as printers. As it turns out, the plan is for this challenge to be just the first of many.

'Devious licks' is set to be followed by 'smack a staff member.'
The "devious lick" challenge was just September's school-related TikTok challenge. October is set to have a challenge that may be even worse. The "slap a teacher" or "smack a staff member" challenge encourages students to walk up to their teachers and slap them before running away, even as they make sure to get the entire thing on camera. What's more, every month will have a separate school challenge for teachers to worry about.
Here's the full list of TikTok school challenges.
A list circulating online suggests these are the challenges for each month of the school year:
September: Vandalize school bathrooms
October: Smack a staff member
November: Kiss your friend’s girlfriend at school
December: Deck the halls and show your balls
January: Jab a breast
February: Mess up school signs
March: Make a mess in the courtyard or cafeteria
April: “Grab some eggz” (another stealing challenge)
May: Ditch day
June: Flip off in the front office
July: Spray a neighbor’s fence
A backlash against the trend is already picking up steam.
Even though the challenges are still in their early stages, the backlash to them has already gained momentum.
“I hope no teachers get hurt, if said challenge does happen, & I hope schools & parents/guardians start teaching kids to be kinder & more respectful to all," one user wrote.
Another urged students to have more respect for the educators, denouncing the challenges completely.
Schools are also taking steps to keep students from completing the challenges. One parent claimed on Twitter that she had received an email from her daughter's school saying that students would be harshly punished for slapping teachers. In San Antonio, students are no longer allowed to bring backpacks to football games in order to keep them from stealing soap dispensers.
In Virginia, one school has shut down almost all of its bathrooms in response to the challenge, and punished students who took part. Clearly, schools are preparing to deal with students who take part in the challenges. The "smack a staff member" challenge hasn't started yet, so it's unclear whether it will ultimately be as popular as "devious licks" was in September.