TikTok Teens are Trolling Trump By Pretending to Buy Millions of Dollars in Merchandise

Updated June 30 2020, 11:17 a.m. ET

Merchandise is a significant money-maker for political campaigns. Bernie Sanders sold over $15 million in merchandise during his attempt at the Democratic nomination in 2016, and we can only imagine that the figure is far higher for President Donald Trump, whose red hat has become a must-have for those who support him.
However, teenagers on TikTok have found a way to troll President Trump by visiting his campaign's online store and filling their carts with millions of dollars in merchandise. If you didn't already know, digital shopping cart abandonment is a massive problem for online retailers and can cause several issues.
The latest attempt to troll Trump seems to have been started by TikTok user Preveroni. They posted a video showing their shopping cart on the Trump store, which had over 4,000 items and $1.3 million worth of products in it.
"It's such a nice day, just vibing, thinking about what a shame it would be if they went to Donald Trump's merch store and just filled their carts up with as many things as they could," the TikTok user explained. "And then got distracted Googling the damaging effects shopping cart abandonment has on online shopping, and just forgot to come back to check out. That would be a shame. Definitely don't get that word out."
Pretty quickly, people started filling up their own carts on the Trump store with millions of dollars of merchandise.
This latest troll comes after TikTok users and K-pop stans reserved thousands of tickets for a Trump rally in Tulsa, which helped to contribute to a low turnout of just 6,200 people.
It's unclear what kind of impact this latest troll is actually having on the Trump campaign, but people are still doing it.
"So it turns out i don’t have $177,000 to spend on garbage so now i’m looking up the effects of shopping cart abandonment and how it negatively impacts online retailers," one user wrote.
While another added: "Oh no what a shame! looks like I cant afford my 80 million dollars of trump merch! Looks like I'll have to go read up on the negative effects of online shopping cart abandonment instead!"
Though some users have taken to clicking as many Trump ads as they see to cost the campaign some advertising money.
These kids are alright.