You Can Now Turn Yourself Into a Tom Burton Character With a TikTok Filter

Updated Oct. 19 2020, 3:05 p.m. ET

No matter how often you use TikTok, chances are, you can spot when one filter suddenly becomes exponentially more popular than the others. The filters are part of what makes the app so much fun for so many users.
In this case, it would be the time warp scan, which has paved the way for the Tim Burton character trend that tons of users are going gaga for.
The trend itself is all about using the time warp scan filter to transform your face into that of a classic Tim Burton movie character. You know — sunken cheeks, droopy eyes, the whole bit. It’s one that some TikTok users can either do in an amazing way or fail horribly at. And in both instances, the results are totally acceptable.

What is the TikTok Tim Burton character trend?
To achieve the effect that the Tim Burton character trend is meant for, you have to use the time warp scan filter in the swiping down direction. You then use your fingers to pull down at the bottom of each eye and, before the scanning bar finishes scanning your face, you use your fingers to quickly pull in your cheeks.
The result is the sunken face and dead eye look of so many Tim Burton characters from his movies over the years. In some cases, users will upload the videos of them trying and failing a handful of times to get the image just right. In messing up, they are left with even worse depictions of themselves which honestly work as well.
It's not the only TikTok trend involving the time warp scan filter.
The Tim Burton character trend is one that wouldn't be possible without the time warp scan filter and it's not the only one. The filter has also paved the way for users to use it in the swiping right direction and film in front of a mirror.
They then make it appear as if their image in the mirror is looking back at them, thanks to the scan feature in the filter.
TikTok is the internet hub for millions of users to find videos about cooking, dancing, or even creepy things you might not be able to un-see. But it’s also a place where unique filters are born to help you create viral videos of your own and the time warp scan filter is the gift that keeps on giving.

Not all of the filters used on TikTok are from the app.
Although TikTok is home to tons of filters you might not see anywhere else in any other social media app, there are some which are featured in TikTok videos that are found elsewhere.
Like the anime filter app, which comes from Snapchat and is only featured on TikTok when it’s in a video taken from Snapchat and uploaded to TikTok.
Or the belle filter on TikTok, which is actually from Instagram. The filter lets you see what you’d look like with a smaller nose and, well, similar features as Belle from Beauty and the Beast.
You have TikTok to thank for the Tim Burton character trend, however, and even if you’re one of many who can't get it quite right, trying it out at all is half the fun.