The TikTok Towel Challenge Is Designed to Make You Feel Dumb

Published July 22 2021, 4:38 p.m. ET

Some viral challenges defy logic: For example, why in the world would anyone partake in the BirdBox trend? On the other hand, it could be a successful way to thin out the gene pool, if you want to get all Omni-Man about it.
But then there are some brain busters that become popular for different reasons: Some people want to assert their intellectual dominance to complete strangers. Others like the good mental stress of finding a solution, like those taking part in the latest popular TikTok challenge, which involves towels.
What is the solution to the TikTok Towel Challenge?
If you aren't aware of the TikTok Towel Challenge, it's a bit of a mind-bending stunt that involves two people and two towels. Each individual holds a towel using both hands, intertwining the towels so they form a cross. The goal of the challenge is to find a way to "unhook" the towels without letting go of either end.

Sounds easy enough, right? Well, that's where you'd be wrong, because throngs of people are expressing their frustration at their inability to extricate their towel from the grasp of their partner's. Seriously, it's gotten so bad that many have given up and taken to looking up solutions to this TikTok conundrum.
Just look at how many people have tried and failed at the challenge. Can it actually be solved? Or is this one giant prank?
People feel duped by this TikTok Towel Challenge "solution."
There are a few people who've managed to successfully solve the challenge, or so they say.
Here are the steps that one duo of identical twins proposes... but watch it closely. Actually, you don't need to watch it that closely at all.
In the clip, the twins not-so-subtly switch towels, making everyone think that they've actually managed to effectively solve the Towel Challenge.
If you feel like you've been cheated, don't worry, there are a ton of other people out there expressing their displeasure at the twins for playing us for fools.
In all actuality, there's no way you can actually "solve" this particular towel challenge. It would be like trying to separate interlocked metal rings, as one TikToker put it. Unless there's a little trick spot where one can pull the rings apart, there's no way you're going to accomplish such a spectacular feat.
There are also several other trending TikTok Towel Challenges that are very suggestive in nature. There's one where women walk in front of their partners and record their reactions after they drop their towels in front of them.
Another challenge involves laying a towel down on the bed and striking a suggestive pose, and then there's one where people pull a Val Venis.
Personally, I'd like to see a Towelie Challenge on TikTok, where people try to perform basic functions after getting as high as possible – but that's just me.