TikToker Disguises Himself as a Baby for a Free IHOP Kids Meal and It Actually Worked

Published Feb. 24 2022, 1:02 p.m. ET

Going out to eat can get pricey, especially when you factor in multiple entrees, beverage orders, and the number of people you've got tagging along. Which is just one of the many reasons that there are some moms and dads who don't exactly look forward to family dining night and sure if you've got young kids who can't mind their manners, making you the bane of the entire restaurant could make things even worse than that.
But there are some eating establishments that try and give families a helping hand that extend beyond child/booster seats and crayons and coloring books. IHOP, for instance, has a policy where anyone 12 years of age and under can nab a free kids meal. And if you've got yourself a few children and want to experience what it's like to go out and have a meal with them, then you'll be able to do that while saving a few extra buckaroos.
But what if you're a grown TikToker who's trying to make some comedic content while simultaneously nabbing free grub for yourself? That's what Coy Wickey and Brian O'Donnell wanted to test out when they attempted to finesse IHOP out of a kids meal in a now-viral clip.
Coy and Brian were challenged to try and get a free IHOP kids meal while dressed as a baby, and they accepted.
The duo devised a baby carriage contraption that allowed one of them to be pushed around as if they were an infant, and they recorded the entire ploy to see if it would work.

In the clip, Brian is wearing a white beanie and is sucking on a pacifier. He's got a set of plastic keys and a baby bottle on his lap/chest and to someone who isn't paying close attention, he could definitely pass as a baby. That is if you ignore the fact he has an adult-sized head and is looking around like a silent film villain plotting a crime.

Coy pushes Brian into an IHOP restaurant that appears to be empty and they're seated at a table. He asks for "just some chicken tenders" and follows up by talking to Brian: "You want some chicken tendies? Applesauce?"

The waiter even goes so far as to refer to Brian as "the baby" as he's serving them and when the comic duo gets their receipt, they show that they haven't been charged for the Kids Meal, with a "KidsEatFree" indication next to the tenders order.

While it's easy to be dubious about the entire video, and there's a possibility that Coy and Brian knew the IHOP waiter, not to mention the fact that the place was nearly entirely empty, many TikTokers didn't seem fazed by that.

Some commenters remarked that they were restaurant servers themselves and that even if they knew Brian was a baby, they would still give them the tenders for free simply because of all the effort that went into the scam.

Others thoroughly believed it and called the TikTokers "legends" for pulling it off. After all, the waiter did refer to Brian as a "Baby" even though he's clearly a man in a carriage. It's basically a White Chicks IRL situation.

What did you think of their prank/finesse? Were they able to pull it off effectively? Was it staged? Or does it not matter because of all the work that they put into it? Will you be trying this out for free chicken tenders? You could probably find someone giving a stroller away on Facebook marketplace.