Guy Tells Woman He Can't Be with Her Because She Was "Crushing Him"

Updated April 15 2023, 8:35 a.m. ET

Navigating the dating pool can often feel like you're playing a game of minesweeper, except the stakes are your love life instead of getting virtually blown to smithereens by a hidden computer bomb. Finding someone who isn't a complete and utter psychopath is problematic enough, and then finding someone who is sane, but also someone you'd want to date is even more difficult. And then if those two categories are satisfied, the chances of you actually being able to sustain a high level of attraction with that person is even more difficult.
It's hard to deny that looks aren't the first thing that people look at whenever they're looking for a potential romantic love interest. Look no further than a slew of swipetacular dating applications that feature people's photos front and center. Most folks completely judge individuals based on these pictures alone before they even decide to read any additional info their bio or get to know whoever is the person behind the profile.
And even if you do manage to match with someone you think is cool, we've all met folks who can pull off a heck of an audition for the first few dates. And then after a while, for whatever reason, their real personalities begin to show after a while and we realize that they weren't really interested in consistently being that "best" version of themselves they presented on those initial meet-ups. Or maybe they just realized they didn't want to pursue the relationship anymore.
While this happens for a variety of reasons and this phenomenon looks different from person to person and situation to situation, one TikToker's now-viral clip has a ton of folks absolutely shocked by the way someone expressed spoke to Mady. Why this man worded what he said the way he did had folks gobsmacked.

Was he trying to break things off and intentionally saying something abrasive to get Mady to kick him to the curb? Or was he just making an insensitive remark because he didn't know any better?
TikTok user Mady, who posts under the screen name @crazyfroglookinass captured a screen recording of a text conversation between her and a man it appears she was romantically involved with.

The man wrote Mady, "Well to be honest you're a little too overweight for me you were crushing me," followed by a squiggly-mouth emoji.

Folks in the comments section immediately began calling Mady a "goddess" for the insult while others pointed out that women don't complain when heavier men are on top of them and sweating it up while in the throes of passion.

Others just couldn't believe that someone would conceive of a sentence like that and ultimately decide to not only type it, but send it out to someone that they were seeing.

Many commenters expressed that they thought the sentiment was an embarrassing one on the man's part and that he emasculated himself by not being able to handle, as he puts it, an "overweight" woman who was on top of him.

Mady didn't go into further details about her conversation with Mr. I-don't-want-to-be-crushed and posted a very whispery video as to why she didn't feel comfortable doing so.
What do you think? Should Maddie have outed the man further for the way she spoke to him, like revealing his identity and/or photos and additional texts from him? Or is it best that she just decided to ultimately put everything to rest?