Woman Complains After Spending $100,000 on Degree, Just to Have Grad Walk Blocked by "Karen"

Updated July 9 2023, 11:43 a.m. ET

Depending on the type of degree you pursue, there's a strong argument to be made that college is a scam. If you're toiling away to attain a four-year degree simply to have a higher paying salary, then there are plenty of different certifications and trades you can get qualified in that are in demand, take less time to satisfy requirements for, and have a higher chance of securing job placement.
And with American college tuition charges being some of the highest in the world, it's understandable why many folks take every aspect of their university experiences very, very seriously. Especially if they're proud of the hard work that they put into earning their degree, they want to lap up every moment, like the crowning achievement of one's college career: graduation day.
So it's understandable why someone would be upset if something happened that ruined that special moment for them, which is what Vanessa, a recent grad, is saying went down after she graduated from the University of New Hampshire.
She posted video footage of her grad walk, which was blocked by someone else's loved one who stood in front of the ramp to take photos.
In a now-viral TikTok, the view of Vanessa accepting her diploma was obscured by a woman with a camera she deemed a "Karen" who was snapping pictures of the person who graduated ahead of the TikToker.

The woman continues to follow the other grad, snapping pictures the entire time. Meanwhile, the only video footage of Vanessa that can be seen is her walking down the ramp, but not the moment she accepted her degree as her name was called.

In the clip, Vanessa, who posts on the popular social media platform under the username @nessieshawty, writes in a text overlay on the video, "$100,000 later just to have my college graduation walk blocked by this Karen."

She adds in the caption: "Someone come get her!!!!!!"
Her post received a litany of responses, with a bunch of people declaring that her declaration of the woman being a "Karen" wasn't entirely just, as she just looked like a mother who was proud of their child's accomplishments.

Others said that if Vanessa was upset, then she should take her ire out on whoever was recording her and that the person behind the camera of her walk should've just gotten up out of their seat to ensure they had a proper angle of her graduating.

However, there were others who said that the woman clearly breached social etiquette rules and it's understood that there are other people who want to see their loved ones graduate. Namely, it should be implied that "blocking" the ramp and the view of the stage by getting that close to it is a big social no-no.

Then, there were commenters who put the onus on the University, stating that whoever was in charge of coordinating the graduation ceremony should've ensured that there was a strict protocol in place that prevented folks from blocking the stage.

Do you think that the mom should've known going up to the ramp and placing herself in everyone else's view of the college grads was a "classless" act that displays entitlement? Or was Vanessa wrong about calling the woman a "Karen?"