TikToker Hides Out in Restaurant After Spotting Cop Waiting to Give Him a Ticket

Published March 10 2022, 3:34 p.m. ET

My older brother was away for a solid 2 years and in that time, I drove his modified Infiniti G35 coupe around to keep the battery from dying while also enjoying the benefits of a ridiculously fast supercharger and paying out the wazoo for premium gasoline that it ate up like no tomorrow.
One day right before I took the exit to go to a friend's house, I noticed a cop putting on his lights on the opposite end of the highway and cutting a u-turn.
Knowing I was a few seconds from salvation, I floored it, turned up towards his block, parked the vehicle deep in his driveway, and then ran knocking at his front door, praying he'd open up. His brother answered, joking with me and taking his sweet time letting me in as I saw the reflection of the passing sirens glowing in the windows of his Monmouth Junction, NJ home.
I don't know if the cop parked his car and waited for me to come out, but I was planning on sleeping over at my friend's house that night, so if he did, he ran out the clock on his shift.
Thankfully I wasn't in the same position as this TikToker, who was rocking a modified exhaust on his own vehicle that must've caught an officer's attention.
User @certifiedjuss1 uploaded a now-viral TikTok clip of him proclaiming he was "stuck" inside of a restaurant after noticing a cop was waiting outside for him to start up his car so he could give him a ticket for the custom exhaust system he installed on his vehicle.

Instead of heading outside and accepting the fine, he decided to engage in a war of mental attrition. He stayed inside of the restaurant and waited it out.

A text overlay on the video read: "POV: You want to get food and u can't leave bc a cop is waiting for you to start your car so he can give u a ticket for a modified exhaust."

His caption for the video reads: "I hate Cali cops bruh got nun else to do."
While one may argue that if the individual in question didn't want to get a ticket then they probably shouldn't have modified their car's exhaust system in the first place, there's a lot going on in the state of California that suggests there are much bigger problems police officers could be dealing with aside from ticketing individuals who have modified exhaust systems on their vehicles.

There are throngs of train robberies, which have increased by 160% from 2021 to 2022. There's also the state's homelessness crisis: many encampments of destitute individuals were moved from areas surrounding the SoFi Stadium prior to the Super Bowl to neighboring cities.

Recent reporting indicates that 11% of violent crimes are being perpetrated by the state's homeless population. And while police officers really can't do much about the fact that rent/property ownership is at an all-time high in California, even though there was a "mass exodus" of folks leaving the Golden State, maybe enlisting cops in social programs to assist the homeless and/or cracking down on an uptick in violent crime, instead of ticketing folks for having modified exhaust systems, would be a better use of taxpayer dollars.

What do you think? Does the TikToker make a valid point about? Is it grimy for a cop to sit there and just wait to give someone a ticket because they want their car to be louder?
Or do you want to know just what kind of modified exhaust the TikToker slapped on their vehicle? Maybe if it's one of those lame fart gaskets that piss everyone off when they drive by, perhaps the guy should get ticket.