Woman Claims TikToker Staged Video to Make Her Look Bad for Likes, Caused Her to Get Fat-Shamed

Published Sept. 19 2022, 10:13 a.m. ET

There's no shortage of clearly staged content on social media. Whether it's prank videos that feature hired actors, fake "Karen" interactions, or other staged scenarios designed to get folks up in arms, all of these clips are initially foisted as being genuine real interactions designed for one purpose and one purpose only: for folks to get clout.
Sometimes, the folks in the video are in on it, and sometimes, they are not, like this one dude who gave a $3,000 tip to a server as a "Tips for Jesus" gesture, only to dispute the charge on his credit card later necessitating a lawsuit from the restaurant as they already paid out the money to their employee.
Maybe his reason for doing so was to help spread a message of Christianity to folks without actually, you know, doing a good deed to back it up.
While it's unknown what made the aforementioned man renege on his act of kindness, there are some folks who intentionally include strangers in their content in the hopes that their videos will go viral, and the consequences of their inclusion don't go over well, which is what TikToker @bruvw0tt said happened to her.
In a now-viral clip she says that TikToker Kelly Gallo, who posts under the handle @kellyxgallo uploaded a video that led her to get fat-shamed, something that @bruvw0tt suspects was done so intentionally. Kelly has since deleted the viral clip and apologized, but a lot of other users on the platform weren't buying her expression of regret.
The video in question that @bruv0wtt is referring to shows her being offered free cookies from Kelly. She included a snippet of the clip in her own TikTok, and delineates the online hate she received as a result of the TikToker's decision to post the video: "So that's actually me...didn't really wanna make a video, but at the same time...it should be acknowledged that it's completely set up and staged."

@bruv0wtt said that "harassment still happened with her [Kelly] fully knowing that. What the video doesn't show is that I was actually walking through the mall with a friend when that happened and she stopped me and she asked oh like can I use you for a TikTok and I don't really use TikTok so I was just like ehh whatever sure that's fine. Then she's like...I'm gonna ask you this question, say I'mma take it and that's it."
"So then I was like oh, um OK I'll just say that. So you know for the comments they say she acted confused it's because I was confused. It doesn't show in the video where I'm stuttering saying that and I literally say in the video uhhh yeah I'll take it I guess I don't really know is that what I'm supposed to say? And that's when she's like yeah and that's when I say OK because...she doesn't show all that though."

@bruv0wtt continues, "So just to call her out, Kelly you know you're in the wrong for that. You know perfectly well what you were intending, yet for you to put it on your comments don't shame guys. Like you posted that knowing it would get viral and that I'm going to get shamed...you knew what you were doing. So I just wanted to come on here and just acknowledge that she was completely in the wrong. I had no idea I was being set up like that. I don't use TikTok in general. And then I find out that this is a trend, apparently?"
"Just to sum it all up, it was completely staged. She came up to me. Told me what to say...so for all those comments who said I knew she would take it, I took it because she told me to take it. Someone needs to be held accountable and she clearly can't hold herself accountable. So here I am coming forward. Doing it for her, so, that's pretty much it."

@bruv0wtt finished off her video by stating that she messaged Kelly on Instagram asking her to take the video down because it was a "set up" and included a screenshot of the IG DM she sent to the TikToker.
@bruvw0tt says in a follow-up post further lambasting Kelly's reaction to the drama: "It's the way you can see the literal difference like compared to the post of her shaming me for 500k likes, versus the amount she actually gets, and then her also trying to delete the comments calling her out, like did you forget that this went viral? And everyone made a duet of this? Like, who's gonna tell her? Cause she clearly ain't getting the memo."
Kelly's apology video was also heavily criticized by other folks on TikTok, who accused the woman of "gaslighting" the situation. In the clip, she included screenshots of the message she sent to @bruv0wtt where she says sorry for the hate she received and that she didn't intend for her to be fat-shamed.

TikTokers weren't convinced that Kelly was being sincere, with many highlighting the fact that it's difficult to trust her sincerity, especially because she was effectively called out for staging her clips in the first place.

What do you think? Is Kelly in the wrong? Or should @bruv0wtt had enough wherewithal to know that there are people out there who would try and take advantage of someone in their quest for getting likes? And will edit a clip to get the kind of clout that they're searching for to do so?