TikToker Deducts $1 From Fiancée’s Valentine’s Day Gift Amount Every Time She Yelled at Him

Published Feb. 15 2022, 8:45 a.m. ET

It's kind of hard to not be jaded by the commercialization of holidays that are supposed to represent wholesome and sincere feelings folks should have for one another. Like family members spending time with one another on Christmas is a beautiful sentiment, and you don't necessarily need a family of polar bears selling caramel-colored high fructose corn syrup sugar water in order to appreciate that.
The idea of mother's day is a little bit offensive too. If you've got a great mom or want to have a better relationship with the person who brought you into this world (maybe against your will, but hey, it's not like you know what the alternative would've been like) you really shouldn't have a single day that you reserve for expressing your love to your mom.
The same could be applied to Valentine's Day, it's hard to not feel a little bit like a sell-out or you're buying "into the machine" by booking a night out at a restaurant where every other rando is going to either propose to their significant other or gift chocolates and flowers while trying to ignore the cost of a prix fixe dinner.
Even if you're as much of a curmudgeon about buying into "commercial" holidays as me, you still want to believe in the wholesomeness of expressing love to a loved one.
This may be why this TikTok is going viral.
When you give a gift to someone that you love, it's nice to think that it comes from the heart without any strings attached. But there's one TikToker who thinks that gifts and the value of those gifts should be earned. @iisaac.ramirezz wrote in the viral video "Last year i put $360 away for my fiance's valentine gift...but I took away $1 every day she yelled at me...Now her gift limit is $40 and I saved myself $320."

The clip shows two different envelopes, one with the "starting" balance and the other with the new, docked amount. It seems that Isaac kept an in-depth tally of every time his girlfriend yelled at him, but did it by 20s (she must yell a lot). Once it reached 20, he took a bill out.

By the time Valentine's Day 2022 rolled around, only $40 was left for her gift. He then said he saved $320 and kept it for himself, while in the caption of the video he wrote: "Now all she's getting is flowers and chocolates."

There were a lot of TikTokers who thought that OP was being petty and thought the relationship probably had a lot of "red flags." But there were commenters who suggested that he add a dollar to the amount "when it was justified."

Others said that funds should've been added whenever she did something thoughtful or great for him, like surprising him with a meal or a kind gesture.

Others joked that they did the same exact thing and their significant other owed them cash. There were others though who just stated the obvious: that if someone was yelling at you 320 days of the year, then you probably shouldn't be with them.

There were other people who thought the TikTok was just a joke post, however.
What do you think? Was the Tiktoker in question being petty? Or if it is serious, do you believe that the two of them should take a different approach to how they're communicating with one another?