Tim Walz Has Major Dad Energy, Says White Millenial Women Who Feel Let Down by Their Own Fathers
"He represents the dad that a lot of liberal women 'lost.'"

Published Aug. 7 2024, 1:07 p.m. ET

On Aug. 6, 2024, after weeks of deliberation and discussion amidst an already turbulent election year, Tim Walz was announced as presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris's running mate. As one of the favorites among Harris's VP choices, Governor Walz has plenty of experience in politics and is well-loved in his home state. He's a strong supporter of LGBTQ+ rights and has taken strong stances on childcare, veteran status, and workers' rights for the middle class.
Walz has already proven to be popular among prospective voters, speaking out against the "weird" amount of vitriol and absurd talking points coming from the GOP and positioning himself as a relatable and amicable running mate tuned in to the needs of the people. However, he's proven to be an especially resonant pick for white millennial and liberal women, many of whom view him as a proverbial caring dad type that they've been missing for years. Influencers weigh in on why Tim Walz is so important to them.
Democratic running mate Tim Walz is giving loving dad for liberal, white, millennial women.
Voters are already claiming Tim Walz's big dad energy. The Daily Show took a couple of lighthearted jabs at the Minnesota governor for fulfilling all of the well-meaning dad tropes with his encyclopedic knowledge of car repair and his well-meaning attempts to support his daughter's vegetarian diet by offering turkey as an alternative. However, white liberal female voters have taken a much more emotional stance on Tim Walz as a father figure.
Many white millennial women have claimed that he fits the parental role vacated by their own fathers, who have largely bought into the radical right-wing agenda perpetuated by the GOP, Fox News, and Republican candidate Donald Trump.
TikToker Pamela Vetrini (@pamelawurstvetrini) explains that her dad is just one of many white fathers of liberals who are currently indoctrinated by the fear-mongering hate speech of the right and have since entered strained relationships with their daughters.
Pamela posits that Tim Walz, with his amicable and relatable demeanor, fills the absence left by their own fathers.
"A lot of us had moderate to conservative educated, sensible fathers that we lost to Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, and Donald Trump," Pamela explains. She continues, "[Tim Walz] is just chill and normal and kind and sensible [and] has empathy. He represents all of those qualities that were stripped away from my normal father by this cult [of conservatism]."
This explanation of Tim Walz's appeal to white millennial women has resonated strongly. One commenter wrote on Pamela's TikTok, "I didn't actually realize this was an experience so many other women were having until this week."
Another user commented, "I was just saying last night at dinner with friends that I wish Tim Walz was my dad." Fellow TikToker Emily Rath offered an emotional response, mourning the loss of a connection with her living father who grew more conservative and hateful as time went on.
As far as Kamala Harris's choices for VP go, it would seem as if Tim Walz was the perfect running mate to appeal to plenty of voters, especially those who suffer strained relationships with their dads.