Mom Explains How Her Toddler Escaped the House In the Middle of the Night, Warns Others

Updated May 21 2023, 10:17 a.m. ET

Expect the unexpected should be the official parenting motto. Because there's no way this mother could have predicted the fiasco that unfolded at her house after she went to sleep. Keep scrolling to find out why she woke up to police officers in her bedroom in the middle of the night.

Police find 2-year-old outside house in the middle of the night.
Nothing seemed out of the ordinary that night as @mustangashley9 put her kids to bed at 8 p.m. Before she hit the hay at 10:30 p.m., she double-checked on her 2-year-old as she always does. “I open the door. I see him in his bed,” she said in the TikTok below. “He’s perfectly fine.”
About an hour later, her husband joined her in bed.
Fast forward to about 1:45 a.m. and @mustangashley9 recounted "I am woken up to three police officers coming into my bedroom. Not my front door. My bedroom."
The police tell @mustangashley9 and her husband the following: “We found a toddler outside in the front yard, crying and screaming, and cold. We have him outside waiting in an ambulance."
“I, just being woken up from a dead sleep, rush into my son’s room to find him not there. And then proceed to run down the stairs, out the door, completely barefoot, with no coat, and down the block to find my son," said @mustangashley9.
She assured watchers that he was OK and the issue was resolved. Yet she can't help but feel extremely confused about it all.
"I did not wake to the baby monitor that is stationed in his room, to the door opening, to police officers knocking on my door, to anything at all," she exclaimed. And it wasn't just @mustangashley9 who slept through this whole debacle. Her husband, mother-in-law, and other child didn't wake up. The dog didn't even bark as her son left and as the police knocked and entered.

"No one else in my house woke either until the police officers arrived in my bedroom," she said.
But ultimately, @mustangashley9 can't help but feel immense guilt. "I don’t know how long he was out there. I feel like the [worst] mom ever."
As she ended her video, she said. “I’m not going to sleep well for a very long time."
In the comment section, users tried to make her feel better by sharing their toddlers' gone wild stories.

One woman even shared that when she was 3 years old, she followed a dog to a creek. Back at home, her parents had reported her missing and she was on the news.

Above all, users tried to remind @mustangashley9 that she was a good parent and shouldn't beat herself up about this.

Bottom line: Thank you @mustangashley9 for sharing your story with others and reminding us that we're all humans who make mistakes. One day (hopefully), this will make a funny story to tell at parties.