Why Is Tom Holland Being Canceled? Because People Are Really Bored

Updated May 5 2020, 12:17 a.m. ET

Anybody else getting really tired of these #[insert literally anyone here]IsOverParty trends? And with everyone stuck inside thanks to the novel coronavirus pandemic, it seems like more and more of them are going to keep popping up. Just in the past few weeks, we've seen the "cancellation" of Demi Lovato, Adam Driver, and Cole Sprouse. The latest to be thrown on the list? None other than our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.
Well, one of them at least. Although we're fairly certain there was a #TobeyMaguireIsOverParty trend that happened at one point or another. But this time around it was Tom Holland's turn. Imagine Tom's surprise when he found out he was canceled and quite literally the only thing he did today was post a snowboarding video.
So, seriously, why was Tom Holland canceled?
We looked long and hard. Why would someone want to cancel Tom Holland? What could he possibly have done? Look, when other recent celebrities have been canceled, there's at least been some credibility to it.
Demi was canceled when her finsta was supposedly leaked and showed her mocking Selena Gomez. Adam was canceled because an old interview resurfaced and some claimed that his comments in the interview were anti-Muslim. Cole Sprouse was accused of racism, cheating, and abusing his ex-girlfriend.
Of course, it should be noted that, in Cole's case, it seems like the trend was started by bored people, but other people hopped on to say that the cancellation was rooted in some deep issues. And in Adam's case, it looks like his cancellation was started by Star Wars fans who really did not like Kylo Ren, but, again, other people hopped on to point out deeper issues.
But in this case, quite literally no one can figure out why Tom Holland is being canceled.
We looked and looked to try to find anything that people might be using as a reason for cancellation. We came up with two instances that upset people in the past.
In June 2019, when Tom was the cover story for Icon Magazine, he said, "As I did ballet, people thought it was gay. And what if I am? I'm not gay, but what does it matter? For me, doing ballet was an opportunity to spend two hours a day in a studio with 30 girls in tights." Apparently, since he said that he enjoyed looking at the girls, people found it sexist.
In 2017, while being interviewed in South Korea, Tom told an interviewer that he spoke English well and asked how he learned. Unfortunately for him, he was unaware that the interviewer was actually Korean-American and some people found his question racist.
These are quite literally the only "problematic" things we've been able to find that Tom did.
So what gives? Why is the actor canceled?
Well, unfortunately for the 23-year-old, people are currently incredibly bored and fancams exist. Fancams, if you weren't aware of the popular trend on Twitter, is when someone hijacks a trend or thread to post videos of people they like. So when something like #TomHollandIsOverParty is trending, someone will post the hashtag and say something like, "Stan Timothée Chalamet instead," and then post a compilation video of Timothée.
But sometimes people don't just add to the hashtag by posting their fancams. Sometimes they start hashtags with their fancams. Which appears to be what happened here. One user with the handle @pattinstoned took credit for starting the hashtag. Her initial post included a fancam of Brad Pitt. The tweet that went along with the video was a quote taken from Lili Reinhart.

On May 1, 2020, when Cole Sprouse was being canceled, Lili hopped on Twitter to not only defend her boyfriend, but to tell people to stop canceling people out of boredom, calling the action "bullying".
@pattinstoned later posted again to say that she wanted to expose who started it and then took credit herself. @pattinstoned has contacted Distractify to clarify further that she was not the only one who came up with #TomHollandIsOverParty.
According to @pattinstoned and one of her collaborators @fiqhtclvb, the idea came from a Brad Pitt group chat. Not only that, but the group has also taken credit for starting the #ColeSprouseIsOverParty trend as well.
Overall, though, fans are claiming that, at the end of the day, subsets of "Film Twitter" are to blame for getting the hashtag trending.