Watching 'Too Hot to Handle'? Make It Interesting With These Drinking Game Rules

Updated April 22 2020, 4:39 p.m. ET

No responsible doctor or therapist would ever recommend drinking as a coping strategy to deal with living through a pandemic. But with that disclaimer out of the way, drinking games over Netflix Party or Zoom can be a fun way to connect with your pals remotely, and it's not like anyone has to worry about driving home after.
Reality TV has always lent itself well to drinking games. It's formulaic, so you can count on certain predictable events occurring, which you can use as prompts to make everyone imbibe. Too Hot to Handle on Netflix is no exception. If your friend group is currently obsessed with the new streaming sensation, here are some Too Hot to Handle drinking game rules to spice up your next watch party.

Here are some 'Too Hot to Handle' drinking game rules to try.
1. Take a sip anytime someone gets close to breaking the rules.
The whole premise of the show is that these very hot people cannot engage in any activity that would bring them sexual gratification so that they can form a "real connection."
Oh, and also win $100,000 they must split between them. But being isolated with a bunch of super hot people for a month doesn't make that easy, and you can count on at least one couple per episode getting close to kissing or talking about how close they were to throwing the rules and the prize money out the window.
2. Take a shot when someone breaks a rule.
Just because they're breaking rules doesn't mean you can. If Lana catches contestants kissing, masturbating, or engaging in other sexual activity, they've broken a rule, and you must take a shot of your drink of choice.

3. Take a sip whenever the remaining prize money is announced.
Any time someone transgresses, the pot takes a hit. And since all they do all day is sit around in swimwear drinking, only to retire to the same room with shared beds, there are so many temptations. Any time the newly reduced amount of prize money is mentioned, take a generous sip.
4. Take a sip anytime Harry says "possum."
Some of these contestants might be looking for love, but it's pretty clear Henry is trying to raise awareness of his brand, Naughty Possums. Just take a tiny sip whenever he says this, though! You don't want to give yourself alcohol poisoning.

5. Take a shot if somebody cries.
Look, it's hard to be hot and isolated and celibate. The tears are gonna flow, and so are our drinks. Plus, the cast does miraculously undergo some personal growth that can even make cynics watching at home tear up (especially after they've endured a couple "possums" from Harry).
6. Take a sip when someone displays "excessive underboob."
This suggestion from Twitter will truly get you hammered. Does anyone on this show have a bikini that fits?

7. Down your drink when someone has sex.
The cardinal rule of Too Hot to Handle is no sex! A kiss or a lingering hug is forgivable, but if at any point two people go all the way, so shall you — with your drink.
Enjoy responsibly!