Dude Makes Twitter Account to Woo a Girl With His Pasta-Making Skills — and It Works

Updated Oct. 31 2019, 12:54 p.m. ET
Dating apps are full of all types of people, and it can be hard to know what kind of person you matched with just from interacting on the app itself. Tinder, for example, doesn't allow you to send pictures back and forth (probably for good reason), and if you're not ready to exchange phone numbers with someone, that can mean a whole element of communication is absent from your communication. But one dude just changed everything. He considered the pastabilities.
Twitter user Tilly just had to share this with the world. A "sweet man" she connected with on Tinder made an entire Twitter account to show her the pasta he was making, because you can't send pictures through the Tinder app's messaging platform.
The account is called Tortellinis for Tilly (@tillytortellini), and it is glorious.
There are six tweets on the whole account, and they are all the steps in this guy's pasta-making process. The first is obviously to acquire the dough. No word on where he acquired it from. Perhaps it's homemade. Perhaps he went to the dough store (is that a thing? I don't think so.).
Step two is a critical one. You must establish a rapport with the dough. Show it who's boss. This tweet not only demonstrates that this guy knows what he's doing with pasta, but it's also...dare I say it...hot? He clearly knows how to take charge of a situation, and that's a desirable quality in a partner. I imagine Tilly is taking notes at this point.
Hey, at least he's honest about his flaws. Sometimes he betrays the things that trust him most. This honesty is just another admirable quality. Sure, this thread might be about pasta making on the surface, but deep down it's about this Tinder man's extraordinary character. I see what he's doing. And I'm massively impressed.
Sure, he skipped a few steps, but he probably knew that they were boring, and he didn't want to waste any of Tilly's time. He got to the goods, that is, the formation of the tortellini army. Let's talk about that cheesy, spinach-y filling, too. Man, it looks delicious. Is anyone else hungry?
If Tilly doesn't marry this man right now, someone else is going to snatch him up quite quickly. Look at that gorgeous spread! The wine! The salad! What man on Tinder do you know that owns a serving platter? These tweets are telling us so much more about this guy other than the fact that he knows how to make pasta. He's got his life together!
And finally...
You know what? He deserves that smug smile. He really figured it out. Not only is he going to win Tilly's heart, but he has already won the hearts of pretty much everyone on the internet. Tortellinis for Tilly went completely viral, garnering hundreds of thousands of likes and retweets.
The account only follows two people: Tilly, and, I have to assume, the man behind the account himself, Andrew Wang. His Twitter bio says he studies sociology at Columbia, which makes a lot of sense because he's clearly an expert in human behavior.
Update: Tilly loved it!
I cannot get over how adorable this is. Can you imagine the love story they'll have to tell their children years down the line? How romantic! I just hope the next update on Tortellinis for Tilly is Andrew making pasta... for Tilly.