Laugh Out Loud with These Towel Day Memes for 'Hitchhiker's Guide' Fans

Published May 25 2023, 12:39 p.m. ET
It's May 25, so you know what that means — Happy Towel Day!
No, it's not a national holiday about towels; it's actually a celebration in honor of the late author Douglas Adams. On this day every year, fans carry a towel with them, as described in his sci-fi comedy franchise The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, to express their appreciation for the books and the author himself.
The first celebration kicked off on May 25, 2001, just two weeks after Douglas' death on May 11. Twenty-two years later and the annual event is more popular than ever before.
If you love Douglas Adams and want to get involved, there are plenty of ways to do just that. First and foremost, carry a towel around everywhere you go — you can even show it off on social media to help spread the word. Speaking of social media, there's always another option: Memes. With that said, stick around for five hilarious Towel Day memes!
This day is for you, Douglas Adams.
We don't know about you, but we love a good infographic every once in a while. This one is not only informative — if that wasn't obvious already — but it's humorous as well (Douglas Adams would be proud). Anyways, we're off to wet our towels to use for hand-to-hand combat!
Well, do you?!
Our towel is currently in the sink absorbing water, so where is yours?! Go find a towel and keep it with you at all times, otherwise, you'll be just like Douglas — he got the idea for the phrase, "knowing where one's towel is," after his beach towel kept disappearing on a trip.
That's the motto!
As the beloved author used to say, "Don't Panic!" Just carry around your towel, and all will be fine.
We can't and won't go anywhere without a towel.
Ford Prefect will go down in history for claiming a towel will keep you safe from "all sorts of people and things trying to do you, kill you, rip you off." Some may think it's silly, but a towel may very well keep you alive.
Today is the day we break the glass.
It's May 25, which means it's time we break the glass.