Stop Wasting Time Waiting for Women to Get Naked on TikTok — It's All a Joke

Published Feb. 4 2022, 2:37 p.m. ET

Finally! A TikTok challenge where you don’t have to walk on crates, eat something spicy, or (uhh) slap a teacher. The latest TikTok challenge is safe, fun, easy, and only a little bit deceitful.
Interested in trying it out? All you’ll need is a large towel that can wrap entirely around your body and a desire to waste people's time. That's it.
Keep reading to learn all about TikTok's towel drop challenge.

TikTok’s towel drop challenge is bit of a tease.
If you’ve been on TikTok for a while, you’re probably familiar with the "naked challenge." This trend, which first started making the rounds in March 2020, was more geared toward couples (and/or maybe some very chill friends with benefits).
Basically, this cheeky challenge called for one partner to get completely naked, surprise their significant other, and then record their reaction on camera.
The surprised partner's reaction is what made these videos entertaining to watch. Some creators would surprise their partner in their birthday suits when they were on a Zoom call or watching a movie. The trick to getting an epic reaction from your partner was to surprise them when they least expected it.
To prepare for this role of being nude, the creator of the video usually wrapped a towel around themselves as they started filming. Then, when they finally approached their partner, they dropped it to reveal both nothing and everything at the same time. (Yes, real flashing occurred, but, of course, the viewers never got to see it!).
Keeping this all in mind, TikTok's new towel drop challenge is very similar. It involves a towel wrapped around one's body. In fact, it looks like the creator just got out of the shower and has nothing on underneath. But get this? The creator isn’t naked.
The creator is actually wearing some type of outfit underneath that just isn't visible underneath the towel. They drop the towel and surprise! The reveal is that they're fully clothed.
The trend is literally just a hoax. The creator is only trying to fool you, which you should have already expected. After all, nudity is prohibited on the platform. “We do not allow nudity, pornography, or sexually explicit content on our platform, TikTok's Community Guidelines reads.
The guidelines continue, "Any content, including animation or digitally created or manipulated media, that depicts abuse, exploitation, or nudity of minors is a violation on our platform and will be removed when detected."
That being said, even videos where creators are wearing slightly revealing clothes or swimwear can end up being flagged for nudity. This is partially what led to the fake body hashtags that you may have seen around.

Plus, even when the naked challenge was around, it wasn't searchable. That word is banned, which is why some folks try to get around it by writing "n4k3d" or "nakid" or "nakey" in their captions.
Bottom line: If you're looking for a free peep show, you've come to the wrong platform. The towel drop challenge only exists to fool you.