The 'Toy Story 4' Trailer Just Dropped and Pixar Fans Are Divided

Updated March 19 2019, 1:27 p.m. ET

When it comes to animated movie franchises, it doesn't get more iconic than Toy Story. The original made Pixar the first name in family entertainment and rocketed the studio into the stratosphere.
The gist of Pixar's films are simple: let's anthropomorphize things that people wouldn't think have life and tell gut-wrenching stories and make commentaries about humanity in the process.
It's a winning formula that, for the most part — I'm looking at you, Planes and Cars 2 — has yielded movies that are not only box-office successes, but critical ones as well. Pixar's the design studio to beat during awards season with around 380 awards and 772 nominations to date, in addition to the billions grossed in ticket sales alone. Don't even get me started on merchandise.
So, when it was announced that they'd be making a fourth Toy Story film, fans were understandably very, very excited. All three of the past movies have been nothing short of animated masterpieces and tackled some heavy existential questions using toys that remind us of our youth.
After watching the official trailer for the film, however, fans had a bunch of questions. Like why is so much of the plot "spoiled" and why does Forky play such a big role?
It's clear from the beginning of the trailer that Forky (who's actually a spork) plays a huge role in the film. While some fans are gravitating heavily toward this homemade utensil toy, others are writing him off as too grating, gimmicky, and annoying.
That being said, he does have some amazing lines. Try wrapping your head around this bad boy.
The Forky haters were just as vocal, as were a number of people who weren't really happy with the overall direction the film was going in, i.e., the fact that toys were questioning their very existences and considering living their lives out in a brave new world rather than belonging to a single human.
In all fairness, it wouldn't be a Pixar movie if a character wasn't faced with an existential crisis. "What's life going to be now?" is pretty much the thesis of all their films. Up, ring any bells? How do you carry on having a happy life when the person you loved most is gone?
Also, there were plenty of people who noticed the ventriloquist dummies in the trailer looked a lot like a certain Goosebumps monster. Anyone here fans of Night of the Living Dummy? Yeah? Then you'll recognize these little nerds from the trailer and poster. R.L. Stine himself commented on the uncanny resemblance.
A lot of people also felt the pacing of the trailer was a bit strange and too much was given away during the sequences. They complained it was pieced together "weirdly" and didn't do a good enough job of setting up the main conflict. Others just thought it was a rehash of Toy Story 2.
Then there were a bunch of people who believed the trailer tells us exactly how the movie will end. Some look forward to it with tearful anticipation. Others are taking a "ehh, been there, done that" approach.
How about you? Are you excited to see the latest flick from Pixar? Or are you over Toy Story already and think, like Lethal Weapon and Die Hard (although Live Free or Die Hard was decent), that Pixar should just quit while they're ahead and not besmirch a "perfect" franchise?