School Threatens to Send Truancy Officer to Home After Student Has Five Absences

Published Nov. 14 2022, 2:58 p.m. ET

As a parent, you're only trying to do your best. And in the situation that your child is sick, you would think the correct thing to do would be to let them stay home and rest up.
But apparently, not every school lives by that philosophy. One mom just opened up about how her kids' school seemed to be going overboard to ensure that students were never out. They even threatened to send a truancy officer to her home to do a wellness check.

School grills mom over child's absences — says she needs a doctor's note or else truancy officer will come.
"One time she was projectile vomiting and sick and she couldn't see a doctor. We didn't want to go to the emergency room. And the school had a fit and threatened to call a truancy officer because she was home sick for too many days," said TikTok creator Adrielle Sigler (@adrielliverse) in the video below.
The frustrated mom explained that, one month, her daughter was out for four days.
The following month, her daughter went to the nurse on a Friday and was told she had the flu. But they didn't send her home and she stayed in school. Over the weekend, she was still sick, so she didn't go to school on Monday. She returned on Tuesday. The school then sent home a letter to her mom about her frequent absences.
Adrielle brings up another instance in which she and both of her kids were sick. She didn't contact the school early enough, so naturally, the school began giving her a hard time. The school asked that Adrielle provide them with a doctor's note for her daughter since she had been out for consecutive days.

Adrielle admitted that she actually hadn't found her kids a doctor yet.
They had just moved to New York and had gotten approved for new health insurance. However, their former pediatrician wouldn't accept it. She was tasked with trying to find a pediatrician who was accepting new patients and her insurance. That said, because she couldn't get a doctor's note, she sent her daughter to school sick.
"I'm not dealing with this s--t anymore, I'm sending them to school sick," she said as she ended her video.
In the comment section, many parents echoed Adrielle's frustrations and even disclosed their own dilemmas with their child's school regarding absences. It seemed that most parents felt their school's policies were unfair. One mom mentioned how even with insurance, it was still very pricey to keep going to the doctor's office just to get a note to appease the school.

Another mom explained that she complied with the school's policies and still had a truancy officer sent to her house.

Others explained that they had to resort to homeschooling because of the strict attendance policies in schools.

Bottom line: While it is important for kids to go to school, parents shouldn't feel obligated to send them when they're ill. Especially given the fact that contagious viruses like COVID-19 are still infecting children every day. One sick kid who doesn't stay home is all you really need to start an outbreak.